Assignment: Strategic Plan Executive Summary

Assignment: Strategic Plan Executive Summary

Assignment: Strategic Plan Executive Summary

Post the Executive Summary from your Strategic Plan. Identify the challenges you experienced while working on this project. What are the most significant barriers to change that you anticipate for implementation of this project? How will you apply what you have learned in this course in your career? How will this material help you to prepare for your Capstone project? PO

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 Strategic Plan Executive Summary

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The strategic plan that I was involved in was necessarily focusing on our healthcare organization factors that affected the institution negatively in offering quality services to the patients and healthcare workers, which was funding and management issues. Hence, the reflection process will include the following factors;

Challenges Experienced during the Strategic Plan Process

I have gained great knowledge throughout the strategic plan process, such as conducting healthcare organizations SWOT analysis. However, the main challenge that I came across was creating a project timeline. Initially, I had outlined that I would use the office timeline, which I found complicated. In that case, I ended up using the PERT timeline tool, which I can attest it’s the best in creating a project timeline due to its linear approach (Gül et al., 2017).

Significant Barrier during the Strategic Plan Process

The main barriers experienced regards inhibiting environment since the healthcare has several branches where I would not make to communicate with many internal stakeholders as I would have wanted since the project is time-bound. As a result, I was required to develop a meaningful communication strategy to communicate and find feedback from the stakeholders to minimize project-related risks like the use of emails to send questionnaires (Bakar et al., 2019)

Application of the Course Knowledge in my Career

The strategic plan documents factors necessary to achieve organizational goals, actions necessary, and various vital factors that the implementation teams need to focus on during the strategic plan process. One of the factors that I will always incorporate in my career when carrying out the strategic plan is being a people-centric leader. The people-centric leader tends to consider the team members’ emotional, physical, and social factors to facilitate their input in a project. According to Bharsakade et al. (2021), healthcare facilities require involving leaders that can identify organizational issues that derail the organization’s goal achievement to identify necessary resources, set priorities, and work on stakeholders’ engagement.

Course Material Relevance to Capstone Project

The material will be essential in my Capstone project since I will handle the project with much confidence due to the knowledge gained from the course.


The project plan has had various challenges, barriers, but overall, it has provided me with great insight to use in my future career and for the Capstone project.

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Bakar, N. A., Ramli, W. M. W., & Hassan, N. H. (2019). The internet of things in healthcare: an overview, challenges and model plan for security risks management process. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS)15(1), 414-420.

Bharsakade, R. S., Acharya, P., Ganapathy, L., & Tiwari, M. K. (2021). A lean approach to healthcare management using multi criteria decision making. Opsearch, 1-26.

Gül, M., Güneri, A. F., & Güneş, G. (2017). Project management in healthcare: A case study for patient flow evaluation in an emergency room using fuzzy cpm and fuzzy pert. Sigma8(1), 41-51.

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