Strategic Plan Sections 7–9 Module 4 Assignment

Strategic Plan Sections 7–9 Module 4 Assignment

Strategic Plan Sections 7–9 Module 4 Assignment

Healthcare Organization Strategic Plan

Module 4 focuses on Section 7: Evaluation Plan, Section 8: Executive Summary, and Section 9: References on the strategic plan.

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Section 7: Evaluation Plan

An evaluation plan is a documentation regarding the meaningful way to evaluate and monitor a project, including how the evaluation results will affect the decision-making process. Section 7 will then focus on information necessary for the strategic plan evaluation, data analysis frequency, ways to monitor strategic plan goals, objectives, and vision, ways to keep the stakeholders informed, and how to handle potential deviators.

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Information Necessary for the Strategic Plan Evaluation

The main information necessary for the strategic plan evaluation includes assessing its mission and vision compatibility. Vaughn et al. (2019) accentuate that mission and vision statement helps develop a focal point that helps all stakeholders, especially the project team, align with the project. Such alignment helps each project member achieve the project goals, thus increasing productivity and efficiency. Hence, the strategic plan evaluation for our healthcare organization will need to keep on assessing the projects regularly to ensure that the goals of the project align with the mission where; if there will be a need to adjust the mission and the vision of the project, there must be enough reasons for the project to be a success. The other factors will include the SMART goal approach to ensure that the initial plan is realistic, balanced, and integrated. Clavel et al. (2019) posit that in most cases, project managers always find themselves stuck between beating project deadlines and integrating and balancing project elements. Hence, our healthcare strategic plan evaluation will always ensure that all project elements rhyme and there is a balance between learning and employees goals, internal business, customer, and financial processes.

Data Analysis Frequency

Frequency analysis of any factor connected with the project is crucial since it helps measure the quality and risks, thus controlling the organization’s future (Vasileiou et al., 2018). The strategic plan for our healthcare will take six months which then calls for every two months. The approach will be effective to ensure that before the proposed change is presented to the board by the healthcare’s project management, the strategies involved will have prioritized the overall goal of the healthcare facility of providing quality services and improving their patients’ well-being.

Ways to Monitor Strategic Plan Goals Objectives, And Vision

The best way to monitor the healthcare facility’s strategic plan is by using the balanced scorecard. Vaughn et al. (2019) accentuate that project goals and objectives change while the strategic plan vision and mission remain intact. Such factors then require an effective approach to ensure the changing nature of the objectives and goals. Hence, the healthcare facility’s strategic plan goals, vision, and objectives will be monitored using monthly reviews. These reviews will also involve biweekly meetings with the project team to brainstorm how to overcome risks and identify opportunities that will help complete the strategic plan successfully and on time.

Ways to Keep the Stakeholders Informed

Stakeholders are very integral in healthcare organization projects success. Gutberg and Berta (2017) assert that the most current way to inform the stakeholders on the project’s progress is by using platforms that encourage collaboration. Hence, considering the healthcare facility budget, the stakeholders will receive biweekly reports on their emails be notified using a customized text message twice per week to ensure that they go through the report.

How to Handle Potential Deviators

A strategic plan involves manageable and well-defined objectives and goals. However, these projects sometimes come across project deviators that derail the project’s success. Hence, if the strategic plan faces such potential deviators, there will be a need to revise the structure, strategies, objectives, and strategic standards to manage the project’s effectiveness.

Section 8: Executive Summary

Section 8 of the strategic plan will evaluate the following aspects;

Executive Summary for your Strategic Plan issue

The strategic plan was to find the most appropriate means to improve our healthcare organization’s funding and management issues to ensure that healthcare branches deliver efficient and quality services while providing a people-centric environment. Generally, the strategic plan involves various information, including creating the project mission and vision. The main reason why the project created a new mission and vision was to ensure that these statements would abide by the set organizational goals and objectives. Hence, the strategic plan’s success has undergone various processes that include healthcare organizations’ change strategy.  Bokhour et al. (2018) postulate that organizational change strategy help organizations achieve their long-term goals that increase their sustainability and competitive advantage. Hence, by our healthcare organization trying to implement changes in its other branches on funding and management, the patients and other stakeholders will be assured of quality services and an inclusive environment. As a result, some factors considered to ensure that the strategic plan was viable include the mission and vision revision to achieve a people-centric environment.

Furthermore, the healthcare organization was determined to recognize its strengths and weaknesses while pointing out potential threats, which prompted a SWOT analysis. The results from the analysis have been essential considering that they helped identify the right tools to involve in the strategic plan, which include the PERT chart, which helped create the project timeline and budgeting tool that helped analyze the project budget. Apart from these factors, the strategic plan has also analyzed the internal and external stakeholders. The healthcare leaders, managers, and providers are the internal stakeholders, while the external stakeholders include patients, suppliers, and partners. By ensuring that the healthcare organization’s funding and management issue is well-handled, the organization will attain its initial goal of serving a larger community with quality services to improve overall well-being.  Consequently, the healthcare providers will receive a people-centric environment that will improve their productivity and efficiency, thus increasing job satisfaction.

Strategic Plan Unmet Needs and Problem Significance

Funding and management issues as part of our healthcare organization’s strategic plan are crucial to the operability of healthcare services. Bharsakade et al. (2021) assert that health financing is a crucial element that helps healthcare organizations to have enough economic incentives and resources to operate their healthcare systems.  On the other hand, Gül et al. (2017) state that healthcare management issues affect how the funds are utilized and the well-being of the healthcare workers. Our healthcare organization has integrated several healthcare branches in other areas to ensure that patients from these areas can easily access the services. However, the funding and management issue has paralyzed the healthcare organization’s quality services as its long-term goal. As a result, our healthcare facility risks losing its patients and healthcare workers to its immediate competitors, who seem to have fewer, funding and management issues.

Consequently, due to poor funding and management, the healthcare main branch’s brand reputation is also deteriorating, thus calling for urgent measures to avoid the adverse effect of the issue. Mainly, the problems rising daily from the situation include insufficient medical products like medicines, thus making the patients spend much money seeking pharmaceutical services. The insufficient medical products are also a leading factor to patients’ unsatisfactory situation with the healthcare branches services, thus flocking the main healthcare facility. Furthermore, such an instance also affects healthcare workers from the central healthcare facility and other branches regarding job dissatisfaction (Manley et al., 2018). That is because the main healthcare facility workers work for long hours while the healthcare branches receive unmotivating patient numbers. Hence, to ensure that the healthcare facility retains its original reputation, there will be a need to develop a strategic plan to improve productivity.

Proposed Change and Recommendations

Funding and management are crucial factors in healthcare system performance which mainly determines health outcomes, efficiency, and equity. Hence, in addressing the funding and management issue, the healthcare facility should change its organizational culture by incorporating top-down and bottom-up approaches. Gutberg and Berta (2017) posit that in a strong healthcare organization culture, the employees will always understand what the top management requires them to perform differently. Such inclusive culture is also referred to as the clan culture that helps healthcare organization management develop an organizational environment that embraces its staff to give a sense of belonging. Hence, if the organization had created an enhanced people-centric environment, the healthcare providers would have already contacted the healthcare management earlier to prevent accelerating the current issues at the healthcare facility branches. In such a case, the leadership management will need to start applying transformational leadership. Olvera et al. (2017) state that transformational leadership helps healthcare leaders to motivate, inspire and encourage the healthcare staff to accept changes and be innovative at individual and social levels. The healthcare leaders and providers will need to integrate into informal and formal meetings for all healthcare facility’s branches to help them create a strong bond to improve the organization’s services.

Also, it will be necessary to ensure that the healthcare organization’s budgeting adopts the top-down approach to enable each healthcare branch to assess the amount of funding they require, which is later reviewed by the overall healthcare budgetary committee (Gutberg & Berta, 2017). In addition, the approach will reduce funding these healthcare branches using assumptions since each branch has its unique activities that require different financing procedures. That way, the healthcare branches will require to draft their budgets. Then, through consultation by the overall financing managers, they will receive funds that will help them attain the healthcare organization’s initial goal for long-term effects.

Hence, through such a strong organizational culture, the organization will manage to make more informed decisions in budget and management, choose the right funding stakeholders, and enhance the organization’s overall workflow.


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Module 4 Assignment: Strategic Plan Sections 7–9

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For this Assignment, you will create an evaluation plan, an Executive Summary, and a Reference List of resources you used to create your Strategic Plan.
Section 7: Evaluation Plan
To prepare:
• Reflect on the elements of your Strategic Plan that you have developed thus far. Review the information on evaluation presented in the Learning Resources, and reflect on any insights you have gained from the Discussions throughout the course.
• How would you evaluate the implementation of your Strategic Plan?
To complete:
Write a 1- to 2-page explanation of your evaluation plan. Include the following in your plan:
• Explain what kinds of information you would use to evaluate your Strategic Plan.
• Explain how often you would analyze the data.
• Explain how you would monitor the goals, objective, and vision for your Strategic Plan.
• Explain how you would keep stakeholders informed.
• Explain how you would handle potential deviations or needed changes in goal or objectives related to your Strategic Plan.
Section 8: Executive Summary
An Executive Summary provides an overview of your proposed change and allows your target audience to become acquainted with the essential elements of the strategic plan. Your Executive Summary should be informative and persuasive, delineating the business case for your proposed change.
To prepare:
• Review the information in the Learning Resources related to developing an Executive Summary.
To complete:
• Provide a 1-page Executive Summary for your Strategic Plan issue that appeals to your target audience and presents key information related to your Strategic Plan.
• Describe the unmet need you are addressing with your Strategic Plan and convey the urgency or significance of this problem.
• Clearly state your proposed change and substantiate your recommendation.
Section 9: References
The inclusion of a Reference List not only allows you to credit others’ work appropriately but also provides the information readers would need to read resources of interest to them and learn more about the underpinnings of your Strategic Plan.
To prepare:
• As noted in the Module 2 and 3 Assignment, you should have been documenting all resources used to develop your Strategic Plan.
• Refine your Reference List as necessary, and add the resources you used to create Sections 7 and 8 of your Strategic Plan.
To complete:
• Provide a Reference List for the resources cited when creating your Strategic Plan. (Your list should contain references used in all sections of your Strategic Plan, not just Sections 7 and 8.) Use correct APA formatting for the citations in your Reference List.

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