Zachary LaFontaine Shadow health Treatment Plan

Zachary LaFontaine Shadow health Treatment Plan

Treatment Plan: 16 of 16 (100.00%)

Problem Selection
9 out of 9

Primary Diagnosis

Review your answers for the Problem Selection activities. You receive one point for each correct diagnosis, and one point for each correct evidence linked to a correct diagnosis. If there are multiple correct diagnoses, you will also receive a point for correctly selecting which diagnosis is the primary diagnosis Zachary LaFontaine Shadow health Treatment Plan.

Learner Selection Model Documentation

 Diagnosis: Encounter for routine child health examination with abnormal findings

 Identified as xxx

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 Ms. LaFontaine reports that the reason for the visit is a xx

Learner Rationale:

Dannis reported that he brought her xxx

Score: out of 3

 Diagnosis: Encounter for routine child health examination with abnormal findings

Primary: xxx


Ms. LaFontaine reports that the reason for the visit is a xxx

Model Rationale:

The xxis the reason for the xx Because Ms. LaFontaine has indicated she has brought Zachary in for his wxxx, the correct xxxis “Encounter for routine child health examination with abnormal findings Zachary LaFontaine Shadow health Treatment Plan.” As a primary care provider, it is critical to properly code the reason for Zachary’s visit so it can be covered by insurance.

Additional Diagnosis

Learner Selection Model Documentation

 Diagnosis: xxx


 Breasts are not always empty after feeding

 Drop in weight percentile for age

 Feeding sessions of insufficient length

 Less frequent than normal elimination

 Mother does not perceive enough time to feed

Learner Rationale:

Zachary’s reduced weight gain suggests he has feeding problems

Score: out of 6

 Diagnosis: xxx


Breasts are not always empty after feeding

Drop in weight percentile for age

Feeding sessions of insufficient length

Less frequent than normal elimination

Mother does not perceive enough time to feed

Model Rationale:

A delay or reduction in developmentally appropriate weight gain indicates that Zachary has a problem related to feeding, nutrition, or digestion, as does his somewhat infrequent eliminations. Daanis reports that her breasts do not always feel empty after feedings, which could be an indication that Zachary is experiencing mechanical problems with latching or that Daanis cannot express breast milk. However, Daanis also reports that she does not feel like she has enough time to feed Zachary, and describes feeding sessions that are shorter than recommended. Zachary LaFontaine Shadow health Treatment Plan This leads to “Feeding difficulty” being the correct additional diagnosis. Kerzner B et al. (2015). A practical approach to classifying and managing feeding difficulties. Pediatrics, 135(2): 344.

Plan of Care
7 out of 7

Review your answers for the Plan of Care activity. You must select “Yes” or “No” for each of the seven care actions. You will receive one point for determining the correct answer for each care action.

Learner Selection Model Documentation
Pharmacological Intervention

Selected: xx

Learner Rationale:


Score: out of 1

Recommended: xxx

Zachary may be xxx, which is critical for infant xxx. xx is common in children who are breastfed, as breast milk contains no xx. You will recommend an xxxxto Daanis for Zachary to take Zachary LaFontaine Shadow health Treatment Plan.

Non-Pharmacological Intervention


Learner Rationale:

Dannis should be dencouraged to create a feeding schedule

Score: out of 1

Recommended: xxx

You will talk to Daanis about acquiring a breast pump and planning an effective feeding schedule. A more structured feeding schedule and the use of a breast pump will allow Daanis to fully meet Zachary’s nutritional needs while also maintaining her own well being.

Educate Guardian

Selected: xxx

Learner Rationale:

Pediatric care necessitates education

Score: out of 1

Recommended: xxx

Providing education to patients’ guardians is a key component of pediatric practice. Clearly communicating to guardians what care their children need and why improves adherence and outcomes.

Preventive Screening and Intervention

Selected: xx

Learner Rationale:

The patient is due for several vaccines

Score: out of 1

Recommended: xx

At two months, Zachary is due for several vaccines: Hepatitis B (HepB), Rotavirus (RV), Diphtheria, Tetanus and Acellular pertussis (DTaP), Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13), Inactivated poliovirus (IPV), and Haemophilus influenzae (HiB) Zachary LaFontaine Shadow health Treatment Plan. You will talk to Daanis about the need for these vaccines and administer them with her consent.

Diagnostic Testing: Labs and Imaging

Selected: No

Learner Rationale:

No diagnostic tests are required

Score: out of 1

Recommended: No

As the patient’s diagnosis is evident, no further diagnostic testing is needed.

Referral of Care

Selected: xx

Learner Rationale:

Dannis should consult with a lactation specialist

Score: out of 1

Recommended: xx

A lactation specialist will allow Daanis to improve her feeding practices and integrate her challenging schedule with Zachary’s nutritional and emotional needs. You will refer Daanis to a lactation specialist that is in network with Indian Health Services.

Continued Care and Follow-up

Selected: Yes

Learner Rationale:

A follow p appointment should be scheduled to check if the interventions are working

Score: out of 1

Recommended: Yes

Because Zachary is lagging developmentally, it would not be appropriate to wait for his four-month wellness visit to see if the interventions you have selected are working. You will schedule a follow-up appointment with Daanis to make sure that the interventions have resolved Zachary’s feeding problems and that he is gaining weight in a developmentally appropriate way Zachary LaFontaine Shadow health Treatment Plan.

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