NURS 6003 week 8 Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios Example essay
Strategies for Academic Portfolios Example essay
To be a nurse creates so many avenues for advancements and opportunities to elevate and thrive. A portfolio helps to organize your achievements and milestones you are already in the mist of creating. Strategies to help build your portfolio starts when in nursing school and that along goes with growth and development. In nursing school you have so many opportunities to add to your portfolio within academics activities Strategies for Academic Portfolios Example essay. To give an example I can discuss my growth and development when I attended nursing school to obtain my Bachelor’s in Nursing but alongside that I grew by learning IVs, Foley catheters, assessments, medication calculation and administration etc. That growth continues to blossom as you obtain your license and begin your development as an RN. “To continue growing as a nurse, it is necessary for a practicing nurse to expand his or her competencies to include skills like patient assessment, nursing research, and nurse leadership” (Regis college, n.d.) Strategies for Academic Portfolios Example essay.
Utilizing evidence based practice also has an impact on professional development. As a Labor and Delivery nurse I am constantly working on improving on developing as a nurse to improve the quality care of my patients; Iv’s (different sizes), vaginal exams and with Covid running rapid its important to understand infection control. As a nurse, a few ways to practice evidence-based practice with infection control is wearing a mask, washing hands before and after interaction with a patient, appropriate glove changes, and wearing a face shield.
When using the two strategies, growth and development, and evidence-based practice within my professional development goals, both will help improve my knowledge and guide me to provide the best care to my patients. This will follow me now as a RN and as when I become an APRN. Walden University focuses on social change. On Walden University’s website it says, “Our founding principle will continue to guide us as we embrace new ways to learn and new ways to shape a better world” (Walden university, 2020). Upon reaching my goal of becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner through growing, developing, and using evidence-based care, this will go alongside with the University’s teachings on social change. Practicing and embodying these strategies while receiving my education through Walden, helps me to be apart of shaping a better world and continuing on the legacy of greatness within the nursing field.
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Regis college. (n.d.). Growing as a nurse: Pursuing further knowledge and certification. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from
Walden university. (2020). Social change. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from
RE: Discussion – Week 8
RE: Discussion – Week 8
10 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Response 2 Amber
10 months ago
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10 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 8
10 months ago
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10 months ago
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RE: Discussion – Week 8
10 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 8
RE: Discussion – Week 8
RE: Discussion – Week 8-reply 1
RE: Discussion – Week 8
RE: Discussion – Week 8
Hi, Christine,
How could you ensure your portfolio is up to date? How often will you review and add to your portfolio? Strategies for Academic Portfolios Example essay
Great post!
Dr. Lewis
RE: Discussion – Week 8
Thanks to all for your responses!
Dr. Lewis,
In reference to your question, I could ensure that my portfolio is up-to-date by adding accomplishments and endeavors as they arise. I also want to include things that demonstrate particular skills as I acquire them. Examples would include any continuing education credits or if I attend seminars that pertain to my focus of interest.
10 months ago
Rex Boyson Olpoc
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post
Hi Rex,
I enjoyed your discussion post. You have outlined your goals so well. And I have no doubt you will reach them. I also intend on utilizing a portfolio for self-assessment, personal and professional development. According to Casey & Egan (2010), a portfolio can also be used as a vehicle for engaging in self-assessment and personal development planning. I am going to start storing my important documents electronically. This will allow for easy and safe access to all necessary documents. Access to an online portfolio will enable nurses to capture professional development and competence activities shortly after completion and thereby reduce the instances of unaccounted for activities (Dion, 2006).
During this research, I also found another alternative. This is to create a web-based portfolio. Using a Web-based portfolio, the nurse or student nurse can create multiple portfolios containing only those elements from this comprehensive database that the nurse feels appropriate to the specific target audience receiving the portfolio (Dion, 2006) Strategies for Academic Portfolios Example essay.
Thinking about creating my portfolio. I knew that the standard things to include: employment history, resume, and professional development. I also found other things like competency records and letters from patients or peers. Other development strategies include listing personal educational reading. Make a list of nursing and non-nursing articles and books you read for your own growth and self-development (Sherod, 2007).
Casey DC, & Egan D. (2010). The use of professional portfolios and profiles for career enhancement. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(11), 547–552
Dion KW. (2006). Nursing portfolios: drivers, challenges, and benefits. Dean’s Notes, 27(4), 1–3.
Sherrod, D. (2007). Professional portfolio: a snapshot of your career. Nursing, 37, 18.
10 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post
Hi, Rex,
What does a portfolio suggest to potential employers?
Excellent post!
Dr. Lewis
10 months ago
Rex Boyson Olpoc
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post
Dr. Lewis
It will give employers a representation of the applicant’s acquisition of knowledge and development of skills that took place over time (McMillan
et al. 2014). It will help nurse managers or recruiters decide whether or not the applicant is qualified enough for the job available. Having an
eportfolio will accelerate the recruitment process.
McMillan, L. R., Parker, F., & Sport, A. (2014) Decisions, decisions! E-portfolio as an effective hiring assessment tool. Nursing management, 45(4), 52–54.
10 months ago
Christine Hoffmann
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post
Response 2, Week 8
Hi Rex! You have identified some amazing goals and I think that the development of a professional portfolio will help to keep you on the right track. One of the most interesting benefits of the portfolio that caught my attention was the self-reflection that it creates by default (Cope & Murray, 2018). What have I learned? What do I still need to learn? What would an employer want to see? It is a more powerful tool than a basic resume and it allows you to create more of a multifaceted approach to your background than the one to two page resume allowed.
While researching the differences between paper portfolios and ePortfolios, I found that a lot of the difficulty with ePortfolio is with application of the chosen program (Madden et al., 2021). While I find myself to be fairly computer saavy, learning a new program to upload and rearrange documents may be a bit daunting. Did you have an idea of a program that may be user-friendly in the creation of an ePortfolio?
Cope, V., & Murray, M. (2018). Use of professional portfolios in nursing. Nursing Standard, 32(30), 55–63.
Madden, K., Bowes, K., Miller, M., & Porter, S. (2021). What value do ePortfolios bring to students? Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 27(2), 26–27.
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post
Hi Rex,
The first step to building your portfolio is by setting a goal, and you did a wonderful job of outlining that. I believe the best way to define a ‘goal’ is as the “terminal point of a race,” whether psychological or physical (Merriam-Webster, 2022). Some questions that should be asked while pursuing a goal include: What is your goal? How will you accomplish your goal? What obstacles will you face and how do you plan on overcoming them. Like in a business, we, the manager, “plan by setting goals and developing strategies for achieving them. This includes organizing activities and resources to ensure that our goals are met and like you stated, you can do this by updating your Professional Development Plan and by improving/strengthening your education.
When discussing one’s portfolio, a simple solution would be to create an e-portfolio where nurses can “record and provide evidence of skills, achievements, experience, professional development and on-going learning, not only for themselves, but for the information and scrutiny of registration boards, employers, managers and peers” (Janet Green, 2014). Although it sounds a lot like a resume, a portfolio contains a wide variety of content that showcase one’s talents and professional growth, helpful for independent or business related purposes.
Exploring Business (2017) Chapter 1 The Foudations of Business.
(2022) “Goal.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,
Janet Green et al. (2014, Jan) Electronic portfolios in nursing education: a review of the literature. PubMed.,%2C%20employers%2C%20managers%20and%20peers.
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post Response 1
Boyson, great post. I appreciate how you set forth your goals in a clear and precise manner. My goals are very similar to yours and I think utilizing a nursing portfolio can help us both achieve our goals. The professional nursing portfolio is more than a collection of documents. It is a great tool for self-assessment and is designed to provide the nurse with understanding of areas where knowledge and skills need improvement. According to Williams & Jordan “the value of a portfolio lies in it’s ability to provide a historical record and more importantly, a pathway for future growth and development”.
Both of our goals will require time and commitment. According to Twaddell & Johnson, “the following acronym is a way to show how nursing portfolios are necessary for growth and development”. TIME stands for T- Take the time to focus on career goals and dreams; Initiate the process of portfolio creation; Make the most of individual experiences; Explore professional possibilities by knowing one can achieve goals (Twaddell & Johnson, 2007).
Williams, Myrtle MSN, RN, BC, CNAA, BC; Jordan, Kathryn MSN, MPH, RN, BC The Nursing Professional Portfolio, Journal for Nurses in Staff Development (JNSD): May 2007 – Volume 23 – Issue 3 – p 125-131 doi: 10.1097/01.NND.0000277181.24959.3b
Twaddell, Jennifer W. MSN, RN; Johnson, Jennifer L. MSN, RN A TIME for Nursing Portfolios, Advances in Neonatal Care: June 2007 – Volume 7 – Issue 3 – p 146-150 doi: 10.1097/01.ANC.0000278213.41510.22
RE: Discussion – Week 8
Week 8 Discussion Post
A portfolio is an essential tool for documenting not only accomplishments, such as skills mastered or practice achievements, but for goals to promote professional growth (Burns, 2018). According to Ahmed (2018), portfolios are also beneficial for providing the public with assurance that the practitioner has met the requirements and proficiency to provide safe, quality care in practice. When creating a portfolio, healthcare professionals now have the ability to choose between different platforms, including electronic portfolios (e-portfolios).
For nursing students, showcasing academic accomplishments in a portfolio can help provide guidance and direction towards certain professional goals. One way to do this is by engaging in self-reflection. This skill can be accomplished through the use of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, which helps the student reflect on their strengths and address any obstacles they may encounter in their professional journey (Casey & Egan, 2013). According to Ahmed (2018), being able to perform self-reflection is an essential skill that many regulatory bodies advocate for.
Another way to include academic accomplishments into a portfolio is through the use of an e-portfolio, which is a digital representation of the nurse’s academic and professional journey (Hannans & Olivo, 2017). In the current digital age, a person’s online identity can provide a look at more than just their personal life, but their professional life as well. Depending on the platform chosen, an e-portfolio can allow the nurse to connect with other healthcare professionals for mentorship, support, and networking (Hannans & Olivo, 2017). An e-portfolio also allows nurses to share their opportunities for research and quality-improvement projects, as well as access online resources that spark interest (Hannans & Olivo, 2017).
Walden University is an advocate for social change, focusing on the betterment of individuals and society (Walden University, n.d.). This is accomplished by guiding nurses to become scholar-practitioners who are skilled and knowledgeable in providing care that acknowledges the worth and dignity of each individual they care for (Walden University, n.d.). Maintaining a professional development portfolio allows the nurse to reflect on their personal and professional goals, and to see if their practice thus far has allowed them to work towards those goals. Continual education and learning will allow the nurse to grow into a practitioner that provides the care outlined in Walden University’s mission of social change.
Ahmed, M. H. (2018). Reflection for the undergraduate on writing in the portfolio: Where are we now and where are we going? Journal of Advances in Medical Education and Professionalism, 6(3), 97-101.
Burns, M. K. (2018). Creating a nursing portfolio. Ohio Nurses Review, 93(3), 16-17
Casey, D., & Egan, D. (2013). The use of professional portfolios for career enhancement. British Journal of Nursing, 15(11), 547-552
Hannans, J., & Olivo, Y. (2017). Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an eportfolio. American Nurse Today, 12(11), 48-49. Retrieved January 18, 2022, from
Walden University. (n.d.). Vision, mission, and goals. Retrieved January 18, 2022, from
RE: Discussion – Week 8-reply 2
Hi Kylene!
Your post hit the nail on the head! Portfolios are a straightforward way to track education and growth. Nursing is an ever-growing tree with many branches. That is the wonderful thing about being a nurse. There are so many fields that you can adventure to. A portfolio can help keep track of all that experience to take to a new opportunity to show that you have experience in many fields. It keeps track of your skills and what skills you feel comfortable doing (How to Build a Nursing Portfolio, 2019b). Building a portfolio can keep you on track with development skill-wise and help guide you on a plan for improvement (Cope & Murray,2018). Portfolios should be something started in the nursing school program to help new nurses with a plan forward in their career. I believe this would give them what they need to help make the big decision about where they feel like they fit in Strategies for Academic Portfolios Example essay.
Cope, V., & Murray, M. (2018). Use of professional portfolios in nursing. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 32(30), 55–63.
How to Build a Nursing Portfolio. (2019b, April 10). UAH Online.
RE: Discussion – Week 8
Hi Kylene,
Agree with your point! that creating a nursing portfolio is an excellent way to show personal goals and collect evidence of educational and professional growth. The use of these strategies aligns with the university’s focus on embracing new ways of learning. It is essential to keep a portfolio so as not to miss any opportunities encountered in the future in terms of career, for example. In order to develop a portfolio of the highest quality, the nurse will have to review it intermittently and contain new personal development milestones and career goals (Casey & Egan, 2010).
Creating an e-portfolio allows for the secure documentation and archiving of my data that likely employers can have comfortable access to when in the process of pursuing career opportunities. Portfolios can also be made with a self-assessment in the beginning to help identify weaknesses and strengths. It will help new nurses grow and motivate them to get better. We need access to these tools from the start of nursing education (Walden University, 2022).
Casey DC, & Egan D. (2010). The use of professional portfolios and profiles for career enhancement. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(11), 547–552.
Walden University. (2022). Social Change. Retrieved 5 January 2022, from
RE: Discussion – Week 8-main reply
Building a portfolio is one of the many tools that can be used to help when trying to further your career. A portfolio helps outline all your accomplishments and helps you shine amongst the other applicants for a job. One strategy is putting your portfolio online. You can accomplish this through many websites. With today’s social media networking, every site has networking for career options. There are so many different options online to help build a portfolio. Some are free and others you can buy. Berkeley has many free resources online to help guide you in your career journey. These include journals and articles for portfolio guidance (E-Portfolio | Center for Teaching & Learning, 2021).
With electronic means taking the lead with how to handle business, it is important to grow with the changes. Nursing is all about adapting. The portfolio shows the progress of change throughout the years of your career growth. It can be helpful in showing your potential employers how much you have grown and changed in your career journey. Walden University’s positive social change movement means that the students are working towards societal improvement through change and the promotion of different healthcare aspects (Walden University, 2021).
e-Portfolio | Center for Teaching & Learning. (2021). Berkeley.
How to Build a Nursing Portfolio. (2019, April 10). UAH Online.
Walden University (2021). College of Nursing Handbook. Retrieved from
RE: Discussion – Week 8-main reply
Hi Jamie,
Great job with your post. I agree that putting your portfolio online or creating an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) is beneficial to both nursing students and practicing nurses. According to Birks et al. (2016), web-based portfolios allow the nurse to select which data they want to display at any given time, depending on the situation. For nursing students, e-portfolios have been found to be helpful in preparing for work in clinical settings and engaging in interactive collaboration (Madden et al., 2019). Electronic portfolios also allow for enhanced self-reflection and skillful analysis of connecting nursing theory and practice (Birks et al., 2016). Thank you for sharing and great job!
Birks, M., Hartin, P., Woods, C., Emmanuel, E., & Hitchins, M. (2016). Students’ perceptions of the use of eportfolios in nursing and midwifery education. Nurse Education in Practice, 18(1), 46-51.
Madden, K., Collins, E., & Lander, P. (2019). Nursing students’ perspectives on eportfolios: Themes and preferences compared with paper-based experiences. International Journal of ePortfolio, 9(2), 87-96.
RE: Discussion – Week 8-main reply
Hi, Jamie,
Discuss how your portfolio will showcase your clinical competence.
Good post!
Dr. Lewis
RE: Discussion – Week 8-main reply
Portfolios are a wonderful way to highlight clinical competence. Clinical competence is something I believe comes with time and progression of education and career. Being a competent nurse ensures that your patient receives the best care that you can provide. In the portfolio it is best to show this through skills and licenses that show you are proficient in them, such as advanced life support, critical care registered nurse and specializing in the field that you choose. This list shows your future employees what you excel in and how long you have been proficient.
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