shadow health Tina Jones Health History transcript


Started: Nov 02, 2021 | Total Time: 399 min
Your Avatar.
 Height: 170 cm

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:28 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Weight: 90 kg

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:28 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 BMI: 31

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:28 AM EDT

[elementor-template id="165244"]
Your Avatar.
 Random blood glucose: 238

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:28 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Temperature: 101.1 F

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:28 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Blood pressure: 142/82

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:28 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Respiratory rate: 19

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:28 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 O2 sat: 99%

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:28 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Heart rate: 86

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:28 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Measured wound: 2 cm x 1.5 cm, 2.5 mm deep

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:32 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Swabbed wound and sent to lab for C & S

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:32 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Cleansed and irrigated wound with normal saline and applied dry sterile dressing.

Exam Action
11/02/21 4:32 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
Hello.My name is Gisselle. i will interview you and later examine you.

11/02/21 4:33 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
Hello. Mt name is xxx, I will interview you and later examine you.

11/02/21 5:19 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
What is your name?

11/02/21 5:19 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
Why are you here today?

11/02/21 5:20 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!
Your Avatar.
Am sorry hear that.

11/02/21 5:20 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I appreciate you telling me that.
Your Avatar.
When did you get the scrape?

11/02/21 5:20 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well, I got the scrape a week ago, but the scrape and the pain got a lot worse in the last few days.
Your Avatar.
How severe is the pain?

11/02/21 5:21 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It’s really bad.
Your Avatar.
Can you describe the pain?

11/02/21 5:21 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It’s throbbing and like, sharp if I try to put weight on it.
Your Avatar.
Did you hurt any other part? (Clarified to Did you hurt anything else during the fall?.)

11/02/21 5:22 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well, at first I thought my ankle was sprained because it hurt a lot right after I fell. But, I mean, I guess I was over-estimating it, because the ankle felt pretty okay the next day and it wasn’t a problem all week. (Clarified to if I hurt anything else during the fall.)
Your Avatar.
How has the pain changed over time?

11/02/21 5:23 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
At first, it seemed like it was healing up fine and it didn’t give me a lot of pain. But the last two days, the pain got way worse.
Your Avatar.
Does the pain radiate?

11/02/21 5:23 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
The pain’s worse in my foot, but I feel it moving up into my ankle, too.
Your Avatar.
How did you hurt your ankle?

11/02/21 5:24 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I was going down the back steps, and I tripped. . . I caught the railing, but I guess I kind of turned my ankle a little bit. And I scraped up my foot on the edge of the step.
Your Avatar.
Can you stand on your foot?

11/02/21 5:25 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No, I can’t put weight on my foot without really sharp pain.
Your Avatar.
Can you rate your pain on a scale of 0 to 10?

11/02/21 5:25 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’d say a 7. It hurts a lot, and the pain pills haven’t kicked in yet.
Your Avatar.
Where is the pain located?

11/02/21 5:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It feels like the pain is just centered around the scrape, like around the ball of my foot. That’s where it hurts the most, but my whole foot feels some pain.
Your Avatar.
Which foot did you injure?

11/02/21 5:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
My right foot.
Your Avatar.
Were you wearing shoes?

11/02/21 5:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No, I was barefoot.
Your Avatar.
Did you have any alcoholic drinks before the injury?

11/02/21 5:27 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No, I was stone-cold sober. It was the middle of the day.
Your Avatar.
Did you use home remedies? (Clarified to Did you use home remedies for your foot?.)

11/02/21 5:27 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, I made sure to clean it and keep it bandaged. (Clarified to if I use home remedies for my foot.)
Your Avatar.
What did you use to clean it?

11/02/21 5:28 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Since it happened, I’ve been washing it with soap and water, and if it seemed irritated, I would put some peroxide on there and then rinse it off.
Your Avatar.
When did you go to the ER?

11/02/21 5:29 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I went about an hour after I fell, I think.
Your Avatar.
Did you get any medication at the ER?

11/02/21 5:29 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yes, they wrote me a prescription for some pain pills.
Your Avatar.
Do you know the name of the pain pills?

11/02/21 5:30 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It’s called tramadol.
Your Avatar.
What dosage of tramadol?

11/02/21 5:30 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’m not 100% sure, but I think they’re 50 milligrams.
Your Avatar.
How often were you taking the tramadol?

11/02/21 5:30 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’ve been taking the Tramadol morning, noon, and night. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your Avatar.
Did tramadol relieve pain?/

11/02/21 5:31 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’ve only been taking the pain pills the ER gave me and staying off it. . . and keeping the wound clean.
Your Avatar.
Has your foot bled since the injury?

11/02/21 5:32 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It’s not bleeding anymore. It only bled right after I scraped it.
Your Avatar.
What happened after you scraped your foot?

11/02/21 5:32 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I got the scrape to stop bleeding, and then I started to worry that I had sprained my ankle, so Mom and I decided better safe than sorry, and so we went to the ER.
Your Avatar.
It is good to seek medical attention

11/02/21 5:33 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
OK, I understand.
Your Avatar.
How effective is the pain medication?

11/02/21 5:34 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
They only help for a few hours at a time.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry to hear that.

11/02/21 5:35 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Thanks for saying that.
Your Avatar.
How have you cared for the scrape?

11/02/21 5:35 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I made sure to clean it and just keep it bandaged. And I put Neosporin on it.
Your Avatar.
How effective was the neosporin?

11/02/21 5:36 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well, I had to come back to get my foot checked out even though I used the ointment. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your Avatar.
How often have you been cleaning your scrape?

11/02/21 5:37 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Twice a day — every morning and every night.
Your Avatar.
Great. It is good to keep it clean.

11/02/21 5:38 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Sure, I think I understand what you mean.
Your Avatar.
Is the wound swollen?

11/02/21 5:38 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, it looks swollen around the scrape.
Your Avatar.
Does your scrape have an odor?

11/02/21 5:39 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Um, no, not that I know of… That sounds gross.
Your Avatar.
Any pus?

11/02/21 5:39 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, there’s definitely pus.
Your Avatar.
What color is the pus?

11/02/21 5:40 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It’s… white or maybe off-white.
Your Avatar.
Is the scrape red?

11/02/21 5:40 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, it’s red all around the scrape.
Your Avatar.
Any temperature change around the scrape?

11/02/21 5:41 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
Are you having problems getting around?

11/02/21 5:42 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yes! I mean, I literally can’t put weight on my foot, the pain is so sharp.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry to hear that.

11/02/21 5:43 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
My hearing is fine.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry to hear that

11/02/21 5:43 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Thanks for understanding.
Your Avatar.
Who has been helping you at home since you hurt your foot?

11/02/21 5:44 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’m lucky living at home because my mom is around to help me, and my sister too.
Your Avatar.
Do you work?


I haven’t had a mammogram. I’ve just had the exam where the doctor felt around for lumps.
Your Avatar.
Any pain in the breasts?

11/02/21 7:11 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No. Maybe some soreness before my period, but that seems pretty typical.
Your Avatar.
Any nipple discharge?

11/02/21 7:11 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Uh, no, definitely not.
Your Avatar.
Any nosebleed?

11/02/21 7:12 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
Any chest pain?

11/02/21 7:12 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No, my chest feels tight when I have breathing problems, but it doesn’t hurt.
Your Avatar.
Any difficulty moving your bowels?

11/02/21 7:13 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Not really.
Your Avatar.
Any skin changes?

11/02/21 7:13 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well…I guess I was noticing the other day that the skin around my neck is looking weird. Like the skin is getting darker. And my skin’s breaking out, but that’s how it is.
Your Avatar.
What is your general health condition?

11/02/21 7:14 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Overall, my health is pretty good. I have a couple of problems, I guess, but they don’t bother me too much.
Your Avatar.
Any fatigue?

11/02/21 7:14 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Most days I feel pretty exhausted by the end of the day…I’m tired now, too, but I think that’s just because I slept terribly.
Your Avatar.
How is your sleep pattern?

11/02/21 7:14 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I try to be in bed by eleven or midnight, and I get up at seven or eight.
Your Avatar.
Any hearing problems?

11/02/21 7:15 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
Any ear discharge?

11/02/21 7:15 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
Does your mother have any health problems?

11/02/21 7:17 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Mom has high cholesterol and blood pressure, I think. She seems to be doing okay though.
Your Avatar.
Does your father have medical problems?

11/02/21 7:18 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well, he passed away. But he had a couple things . . . Type 2 diabetes, like me, and high cholesterol and blood pressure.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry to hear that

11/02/21 7:18 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I appreciate you saying that.
Your Avatar.
When did your father pass away?

11/02/21 7:18 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It was last year… I guess a little over a year ago.
Your Avatar.
How did you cope with your father’s death?

11/02/21 7:19 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well, right after he died, after the funeral and everything, I just tried to get through that. Mom was having such a hard time, crying a lot, everything made her sad, she was kinda depressed. So I guess at first I just focused on getting things done–groceries, laundry, insurance papers and stuff. Knowing that Mom needed me kinda helped me get through day by day. There was about a month where it was hard for us to get to church. Even getting up and ready for church was too overwhelming. But our church family helped us out, and gave us rides to church and brought meals and all that, so they really helped build us back up. Things were only hard like that for a few months.
Your Avatar.
You are lucky to have a great support system

11/02/21 7:20 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I appreciate you telling me that.
Your Avatar.
What was the cause of your father’s death?

11/02/21 7:21 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
He died in a car accident.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry to hear that.

11/02/21 7:21 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Thanks for saying that.
Your Avatar.
How is your paternal grandfather?

11/02/21 7:22 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Grandpa Jones passed away when I was really little.
Your Avatar.
Did Grandpa Jones have medical problems?

11/02/21 7:23 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Grandpa Jones had colon cancer, and that caused all kinds of problems for him. Plus, he had high blood pressure, and . . . I’m pretty sure he had diabetes.
Your Avatar.
Does your paternal grandmother have health problems?

11/02/21 7:23 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
She takes some blood pressure pills, and I think she has high cholesterol, but Granny’s doing great for 82.
Your Avatar.
great to hear that.

11/02/21 7:24 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
Your maternal grandfather’s healthy?

11/02/21 7:25 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well, Poppa died five years ago.
Your Avatar.
How old was your maternal grandfather? (Clarified to How old was your maternal grandfather when he passed?.)

11/02/21 7:25 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
He was almost 80, maybe like 78 or 79? (Clarified to how old my maternal grandfather lived to be.)
Your Avatar.
Your maternal grandmother’s health?

11/02/21 7:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Nana was 73 when she died of a stroke about five years ago. I think she had high blood pressure and cholesterol, too.
Your Avatar.
Does your brother have health issues?

11/02/21 7:27 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No, I don’t think so. He’s a little big, maybe.
Your Avatar.
Does your sister have health issues?

11/02/21 7:27 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
She’s pretty healthy. She has asthma but almost never has attacks.
Your Avatar.
Does obesity run in your family?

11/02/21 7:28 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No, I don’t think so. My brother and my dad are kind of big, but I wouldn’t say they were obese or anything.
Your Avatar.
Any family history of thyroid problems?

11/02/21 7:29 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No, I don’t think so.
Your Avatar.
Any headaches?

11/02/21 7:29 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, I get them a lot when I’m studying.
Your Avatar.
Any loss of consciousness?

11/02/21 7:30 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
Any memory loss?

11/02/21 7:30 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No. I mean, sometimes, I freeze up during a test, but that’s everybody, right? I have a good head for names and directions, stuff like that.
Your Avatar.
Any abnormal or excess hair? (Clarified to Do you have skin abnormalities?.)

11/02/21 7:30 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well . . . I guess I was noticing the other day that the skin around my neck is looking weird. The skin is getting darker. And my skin’s breaking out, but that’s how it is. (Clarified to if I have skin abnormalities.)
Your Avatar.
Any stomach upsets?

11/02/21 7:31 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Measured wound: 2 cm x 1.5 cm, 2.5 mm deep

Exam Action
11/02/21 7:31 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Swabbed wound and sent to lab for C & S

Exam Action
11/02/21 7:31 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Cleansed and irrigated wound with normal saline and applied dry sterile dressing.

Exam Action
11/02/21 7:31 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Measured wound: 2 cm x 1.5 cm, 2.5 mm deep

Exam Action
11/03/21 4:04 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Swabbed wound and sent to lab for C & S

Exam Action
11/03/21 4:04 AM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Cleansed and irrigated wound with normal saline and applied dry sterile dressing.

Exam Action
11/03/21 4:04 AM EDT

[elementor-template id="165244"]
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