NUR 740 Discussion 2.1: Intersection of Policy and Ethics in APRN Practice

NUR 740 Discussion 2.1: Intersection of Policy and Ethics in APRN Practice

NUR 740 Discussion 2.1: Intersection of Policy and Ethics in APRN Practice

Some ethical theories impacting health, human rights, and social justice include teleology and deontology. Teleology is an ethical theory that postulates that the value of a situation is determined by its consequences. Therefore, the outcome of an action rather than the action itself is used to determine the goodness of that action (Amer, 2019). Deontology is an ethical theory that considers the intrinsic significance of the act itself as the criterion for determining good. Therefore, in determining the ethics of a situation, an individual must consider the motives of the actor rather than the consequences of the act.


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The two theories impact health, human rights, and social justice since they influence decision-making in medical and healthcare policy. Tseng & Wang (2021) explain that deontological ethics tend to be patient-centered. Thus, the consequences of medical interventions are not used to justify means. On the other hand, utilitarianism tends to be more society-centered and considers value care for the greatest welfare for the greatest number of human beings. Therefore, healthcare policies and laws based on utilitarian ethics consider the outcomes of proposed interventions on the welfare of citizens.

Healthcare laws and policies change according to social and political influences. If a healthcare policy/law does not align with the ethical practice of advanced practice nursing, the APRN can propose an amendment and present it to legislators. The APRN should enlighten the legislators on the importance of incorporating ethics in healthcare policies and how amending the policy will promote the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people (Amer, 2019). Besides, the APRN can engage in advocacy strategies through professional nurse organizations to advocate for incorporating healthcare ethics in policies.

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Amer, A. B. (2019). Understanding the ethical theories in medical practice. Open Journal of Nursing9(02), 188. DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2019.92018

Tseng, P. E., & Wang, Y. H. (2021). Deontological or Utilitarian? An Eternal Ethical Dilemma in OutbreakInternational journal of environmental research and public health18(16), 8565.

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