NU671 Unit 2 Assignment: Clinical Preparation Journal

NU671 Unit 2 Assignment: Clinical Preparation Journal

NU671 Unit 2 Assignment: Clinical Preparation Journal

Unit 2 Assignment Clinical Journal

A psychiatric mental health initial assessment enables a mental healthcare provider to collect a patient’s health-related information, including chief complaint, history of the presented illness, past mental health illnesses, current medications, past treatment for psychiatric illnesses, adherence to the prescribed medication, mental hospitalization or psychotherapies history, history of drug abuse, mental health status examination results, patient’s general appearance, including current mood, behavior, affect, orientation, insight, judgment, and future-orientation; objective data, and diagnostics, including laboratory results.

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Collected information is critical since it guides mental healthcare providers in making a differential diagnosis. According to Clark et al. (2017), differential diagnosis guide psychiatrists in treating patients presenting with mental health illnesses characterized by similar psychiatric symptoms. Thus, information collected during mental health initial assessment is used in ruling out psychiatric conditions with overlapping symptoms, resulting in effective management and treatment plan, which leads to total remittance of presented psychiatric symptoms.

I was surprised to see a review of the system on a psychiatric mental health initial assessment. Reviewing various body systems allows a psychiatrist to understand the patient’s other health concerns that might be contributing to presented psychiatric symptoms. Additionally, a review of the system allows psychiatrists to interact with their patients, establishing a good therapeutic relationship. According to Crits-Christoph et al. (2019), a good therapeutic relationship between a psychiatrist and clients determines the quality of patient care and health outcomes. Thus, a good relationship between a patient and a healthcare provider results in positive healthcare outcomes. Additionally, I was surprised to see that laboratory tests were included in the psychiatric assessment. Lu et al. (2021) stated that lab results are used to rule out mental health comorbidities, which could be contributing to the presented psychiatric symptoms.


Clark, L. A., Cuthbert, B., Lewis-Fernández, R., Narrow, W. E., & Reed, G. M. (2017). Three approaches to understanding and classifying mental disorders: ICD-11, DSM-5, and the National Institute of Mental Health’s Research Domain Criteria (RDoC). Psychological Science in the Public Interest18(2), 72-145.

Crits-Christoph, P., Rieger, A., Gaines, A., & Gibbons, M. B. C. (2019). Trust and respect in the patient-clinician relationship: preliminary development of a new scale. BMC psychology7(1), 1-8.

Lu, E., Pyatka, N., Burant, C. J., & Sajatovic, M. (2021). Systematic literature review of psychiatric comorbidities in adults with epilepsy. Journal of Clinical Neurology (Seoul, Korea)17(2), 176.

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Each week you will be given a prompt to write a reflective journal assignment that will allow you to investigate areas for clinical preparation in psychiatric mental health. The reflective journal should be substantive, containing a minimum of 250 words. Supporting evidence for your thoughts and ideas should come from a minimum of one scholarly source. Sources should have in-text citations where appropriate and be referenced on a reference page according to APA 7th Edition standards.

Watch the video related to a Psychiatric Mental Health Assessment:

Estimated Time to Complete: 5 minutes

Review the Psychiatric Mental Health Assessment Template.

Give a brief summary of your thoughts about a psychiatric mental health initial assessment. Why is this critical to the care of the mental health patient? What areas were you surprised to see on a psychiatric mental health initial assessment?

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NU671 Unit 2 Assignment – Clinical Preparation Journal Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe psychiatric/mental health area investigated is identifiable in the submission.
5 pts
The submission is clear on the psychiatric/mental health area investigated.
3 pts
Approaching Proficiency
The submission is unclear on the psychiatric/mental health area investigated.
0 pts
Not Proficient
The submission does not contain an identified psychiatric/mental health area investigated.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe reflection submitted is focused on the identified psychiatric/mental health area investigated.
10 pts
An exemplary discussion of the identified psychiatric/mental health area is noted in the submission.
7 pts
Approaching Proficiency
A satisfactory discussion of the identified psychiatric/mental health area is noted in the submission.
3 pts
Not Proficient
The discussion of the identified psychiatric/mental health area is limited in detail.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe reflective discussion is supported by scholarly resources.
10 pts
The reflective discussion is supported well by scholarly psychiatric/mental health literature.
5 pts
Approaching Proficiency
The reflective discussion is supported by basic resources in the psychiatric/mental health literature.
2 pts
Not Proficient
The reflective discussion is not supported by psychiatric/mental health resources.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe reflective discussion is a minimum of 250 words.
5 pts
The submission is substantive and contains 250 or more words.
0 pts
Not Proficient
The reflective discussion is not substantive and contains less than the required 250 words.
5 pts
Total Points: 30

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