MSN Week 7 Assessment Advanced Health
MSN Week 7 Assessment Advanced Health
Complete a written reflection (250-350 words) on what you learned during this topic. Include the following in your reflection, considered through the lens of a nurse educator.
Think about an experience you have encountered when viewing or completing the particular assessment.
Describe the steps you took when completing this particular assessment.
[elementor-template id="165244"]Discuss difficulties that could potentially arise or specific questions related to completing this type of assessment.
Include illustrative examples of potential strategies used to overcome the difficulties encountered when completing the particular assessment.
Describe how the Christian worldview and compassion for all play a role in this type of assessment.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
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This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
**To help with completing the reflection above, the topics this week were as follows** NO NEED TO ANSWER ANYTHING BELOW…THIS IS JUST A GUIDE TO HELP WITH THE ASSIGNMENT ABOVE!
Assess clinical reasoning skills using radiographic and laboratory tools.
Define the routine screenings for patients along the spectrum of life.
A Sample Of This Assignment Written By One Of Our Top-rated Writers
MSN Week 7 Advanced Health Assessment
Radiography and laboratory tests are essential in identifying underlying causes of symptoms and help in developing the diagnosis and monitoring treatment. In the ED, a 38-year-old patient with a history of type I diabetes was brought in with mild disorientation and confusion. He reported having nausea, vomiting, diffuse abdominal pain, malaise, and generalized body weakness. On examination, the patient was hypotensive and tachycardic with signs of dehydration. I ordered lab tests, including blood glucose, serum electrolyte, urinalysis, and arterial blood gas (ABG), since I suspected Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). The lab results revealed an arterial pH- 7.10, RBS- 270 mg/dL, Serum potassium- 3.2, and Ketones ++. I informed the ED Internist of the abnormal findings, and we made a diagnosis of DKA. I initiated the patient on DKA treatment, including administering IV 0.9% saline and correcting hyperglycemia and hypokalemia using IV insulin and potassium.
Difficulties may arise in determining the appropriate tests for suspected DKA cases, especially if a hospital has no DKA management protocol. Besides, the clinician may experience difficulties in interpreting the abnormal lab findings that are characteristic of DKA, like hyperglycemia > 250 mg/dL, a bicarbonate level < 18 mEq/L, and a pH < 7.30, with ketonemia and ketonuria (Shahid et al., 2020). Repeating laboratory tests, including glucose, potassium, and electrolytes, is crucial for DKA patients. The difficulties can be addressed by having a DKA assessment and management protocol in the ED and all units to guide clinicians on the lab tests to order, interpreting the findings, and interventions to implement.
The Christian worldview and compassion for all play a significant role in laboratory and radiographic assessment since the clinician must interpret the findings correctly to diagnose and implement proper interventions. The clinician should show compassion by avoiding tests that strip patients of dignity (Bolboacă, 2019). Minimally invasive diagnostic procedures should be prioritized before advancing to invasive ones.
Bolboacă, S. D. (2019). Medical Diagnostic Tests: A Review of Test Anatomy, Phases, and Statistical Treatment of Data. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2019, 1891569.
Shahid, W., Khan, F., Makda, A., Kumar, V., Memon, S., & Rizwan, A. (2020). Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Clinical Characteristics and Precipitating Factors. Cureus, 12(10), e10792.
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