Module 5 Discussion: Theory Evaluation Peplau Interpersonal Relations Theory
Module 5 Discussion: Theory Evaluation Peplau Interpersonal Relations Theory
Theory Evaluation:
Include a discussion of whether/how the theory appears to be accurate/valid (based on empirical testing of the theory as discussed above). Discuss the generalizability of the theory. Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the theory. Discuss whether/how the theory is congruent with current nursing standards and current nursing interventions or therapeutics. Explain whether/how the theory is relevant socially and cross-culturally. Describe how the theory might contribute to the discipline of nursing.
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Style & Format:
[elementor-template id="165244"]The paper will be written using APA standards. The paper will include a title page (using specified format), 2-3 pages of text, and a reference list. It will be double-spaced, written in 12-point Times New Roman font, and have 1-inch margins. Scholarly and orderly presentation of ideas (precision, clarity, format, headings, grammar, spelling, & punctuation) with appropriate citation of sources in text and reference list is required. Up to 0.5 points will be deducted for each type of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or format error.
Submission Instructions:
Secondary sources such as, textbooks, literature reviews, systematic reviews, dissertations and concept analyses are NOT to be used. Only primary sources and empirical research articles are to be used for this assignment.
Submit as a Word document.
View Rubric
Module 5 Theoretical Evaluation
Module 5 Theoretical Evaluation
Criteria Ratings Pts
Brief discussion of whether/how the theory appears to be accurate/valid (based on empirical testing of theory) (15 pts)
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15 pts
Clear, correct discussion and support from the literature (15 pts)
10 pts
Correct, limited discussion and support from the literature (10 pts)
7.5 pts
Stated without discussion or support from literature (7.5 pts)
5 pts
Incorrect discussion OR summarizes discussions from research articles or text (5 pts)
0 pts
No discussion of accuracy/validity (0 pts)
/ 15 pts
Brief discussion of generalizability of the theory (15 pts)
view longer description
15 pts
Clear, correct discussion and support from the literature (15 pts)
10 pts
Correct, limited discussion and support from the literature (10 pts)
7.5 pts
Stated without discussion or support from literature (7.5 pts)
5 pts
Incorrect discussion OR summarizes discussions from research articles or text (5 pts)
0 pts
No discussion (0 pts)
/ 15 pts
Summary of strengths and weaknesses of the theory; with a minimum of 2 each (15 pts)
view longer description
15 pts
Clear, correct discussion and support from the literature (15 pts)
10 pts
Correct, limited summary and support from the literature (10 pts)
7.5 pts
Stated without summary or support from literature (7.5 pts)
5 pts
Incorrect identification OR summarizes discussions from research articles or text OR one strength and one weakness identified (5 pts)
0 pts
No discussion (0 pts)
/ 15 pts
Brief discussion of whether/how the theory is congruent with current nursing standards and current nursing interventions or therapeutics (15 pts)
view longer description
15 pts
Clear, correct discussion and support from the literature (15 pts)
10 pts
Correct, limited discussion and support from the literature (10 pts)
7.5 pts
Stated without discussion or support from literature (7.5 pts)
5 pts
Incorrect discussion OR summarizes discussions from research articles or text (5 pts)
0 pts
No discussion (0 pts)
/ 15 pts
Brief explanation of whether/how the theory is relevant socially and cross-culturally (15 pts)
view longer description
15 pts
Clear, correct explanation and support from the literature (15 pts)
10 pts
Correct, limited explanation and support from the literature (10 pts)
7.5 pts
Stated without explanation or support from literature (7.5 pts)
5 pts
Incorrect explanation OR summarizes discussions from research articles or text (5 pts)
0 pts
No explanation (0 pts)
/ 15 pts
Brief description of how the theory might contribute to the discipline of nursing (15 pts)
view longer description
15 pts
Clear, correct description and support from the literature (15 pts)
10 pts
Correct, limited description and support from the literature (10 pts)
7.5 pts
Stated without discussion or support from literature (7.5 pts)
5 pts
Incorrect description OR summarizes discussions from research articles or text (5 pts)
0 pts
No description (0 pts)
/ 15 pts
APA Style & Format (10 pts) Style includes: Professional and orderly presentation of ideas (precision and clarity). Grammar, spelling and punctuation. Minimal use of direct quotes (1-2 max.) Format includes: Proper use of title page (using specified format), spacing, font, margins, and headings. Appropriate citation of sources in text and reference list. A minimum of 2 references are required. Up to 0.5 points will be deducted for each type of grammar, spelling, punctuation, or format error. Up to two points will be deducted for poor headings /insufficient headings/formatting
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10 pts
0-2 types of errors (9-10 pts)
8 pts
3-4 types of errors (8 pts)
7 pts
5-6 types of errors (7 pts)
6 pts
7-8 types of errors (6 pts)
0 pts
> 8 types of errors (5 or less pts)
/ 10 pts
Total Points: 0