Discussion: Why is employee engagement an important strategy to foster within an organization?

Discussion: Why is employee engagement an important strategy to foster within an organization?

Discussion: Why is employee engagement an important strategy to foster within an organization?

Why is employee engagement an important strategy to foster within an organization? What experience have you had or what examples have you seen or heard about that have helped foster a culture of engagement? Share one strategy that you believe can foster an engaging environment in the workplace.

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Discussion Question

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 Employee engagement is a significant approach to fostering an organization. It entails involving employees in making vital organizational decisions and allowing them to give their views during the decision-making process. Employee engagement makes the workers feel valued and wanted in the organization, thereby working hard towards meeting organizational goals. Additionally, employees are dedicated and committed to implementing new strategies if they were involved during the decision-making process improving the organization’s performance, overall productivity, and profit, thus enhancing its survival in the highly-competitive healthcare sector (Hammoud & Osborne, 2017).

For instance, clients were not satisfied with the poor quality services that were offered in our organization. The management was working hard to improve the quality of services to acquire customer loyalty but all the efforts were unsuccessful. Consequently, the management decided to engage all the employees in addressing this matter before the organization’s reputation was damaged. Employees revealed to the management about their high workload during a meeting that was held to discuss clients’ complaints. Allocating an employee more clients than the recommended number resulted in poor quality services. The management decided to hire more workers to address the current shortage and improve the quality of services. In this case, customers’ complaints played a crucial role in fostering a culture of engagement in the organization.

I believe that adopting a “Bottom-Up” strategy can foster an engaging environment in the workplace. Employees understand the challenges, which their encounter in their daily practices in the organization. Therefore, the management should always think “Bottom-Up”, rather than “Top Down” and consider employees’ opinions and ideas as the foundation of building a successful organization. Workers achieve organizational goals once their ideas are incorporated into the practice.


Hammoud, M, S & Osborne, S. (2017). Effective Employee Engagement in the Workplace. International Journal of Applied Management and Technology; 16 (1): 50–67.

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