Discussion: Supporting the Interdisciplinary Team
Discussion: Supporting the Interdisciplinary Team
Interdisciplinary team members work together to ensure the quality and safety of patient care. This discussion explains how one would support the interdisciplinary team, how the quality of patient care and health outcomes in the selected scenario relates to strengthening the interdisciplinary approach, and the impact of diversity on team members.
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The selected scenario is B, about Monica, a new social work graduate working at Meridien Medical Center. She is spotted on the phone repeatedly during interdisciplinary rounds. The central issue presented in this scenario involves the perception of other healthcare providers towards Monica. Other team members, including the physician, the nurse, and Fran, feel that Monica is not doing what is expected and portraying unprofessionalism. This issue can be addressed through interdisciplinary collaboration best practices, particularly communication. Hence, another interdisciplinary team member should speak to Monica about her behavior and its impact on the functioning of the entire team and the quality of patient care, and overall health outcomes. According to Mao and Woolley (2016), all interdisciplinary team members should perform their roles well to enhance the functioning and contribute to the entire team’s success. A well-coordinated interdisciplinary team then improves the quality of patient care and health outcomes (Johnson & Sollecito, 2020). Various aspects of diversity affect interdisciplinary teams adversely. In this case, the function of the multidisciplinary team is compromised by differences in team members’ experience levels. Experienced practitioners, including the physician, the nurse, and Fran, are committed to providing quality care to their patients. On the contrary, the new social work graduate seems to be less committed to patient care, evidenced by her tendency to spend most of her time on the phone even when attending to patients. Diversity in the scenario can be addressed by meeting with all the team members and resolving their differences to enhance team functioning and productivity (Bridges et al., 2016).
Bridges, D., Davidson, R. A., Soule Odegard, P., Maki, I. V., & Tomkowiak, J. (2016). Interprofessional collaboration: three best practice models of interprofessional education. Medical education online, 16(1), 6035.
Johnson, J. K., & Sollecito, W. A. (2020). McLaughlin & Kaluzny’s continuous quality improvement in health care (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Mao, A. T., & Woolley, A. W. (2016). Teamwork in health care: maximizing collective intelligence via inclusive collaboration and open communication. AMA journal of ethics, 18(9), 933-940.
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Scenario A
At Meridien Medical Center, hospital policy is to document the “reason” for not administering a medication that is ordered but not administered. The documented reason of “patient refusal” for venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis has been high across hospital units. In order to improve patient outcomes, the Quality and Patient Safety Committee decided to explore why so many patients refuse VTE prophylaxis. Their inquiry revealed that less experienced nurses were not very comfortable teaching patients about the risks of VTE and pulmonary embolism if they declined the shot. Using an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach, how would you plan to address the situation?
Scenario B
A new social work graduate, Monica, just started on your unit at Meridien Medical Center, 14 South. She is young and energetic, and everyone seems to like her. The other day during interdisciplinary rounds she was on her phone repeatedly. At first you gave her the benefit of the doubt . . . maybe she was responding to patient messages. But when the attending physician asked Monica a direct question about a patient, she looked up from her phone, mumbled an excuse, and asked the doctor to repeat his question. The physician has voiced his frustrations, citing unprofessionalism and inattentiveness as concerns. Fran, also a member of the team, is an older nurse who has had a productive career at the hospital. When talking about Monica, Fran has lately been seen rolling her eyes and making sarcastic comments about “Gen Z.” You want to help both Monica and Fran be effective team members. What do you do before this problem gets out of hand?
Scenario C
Current practice for interdisciplinary rounds on the post-surgery cardiac unit of Meridien Medical Center is to include the surgeon, attending physician, medical student, and nurse. These team members work well together to assess cases and coordinate care. But you know that the unit has had some adverse drug events lately, particularly in the older patient population. What additional roles/team members would you advocate adding, and how would you get buy-in from existing team members?
Scenario D
Nurses on the obstetrics ward at Meridien Medical Center typically conduct an independent assessment of the patient and then report that assessment during an interdisciplinary team meeting. All members of the team have agreed that these meetings are important for continuity of care and analysis of complex cases. On this particular day, Mark, a seasoned nurse on the unit, provides information about his patients during the meeting. The physician in attendance interrupts Mark and indicates that Mark should hurry up because she needs to be elsewhere helping patients. As Mark is leaving the meeting, he hears the physician say to a colleague, “I’m just going to do my own assessment anyway.” Mark ends up feeling like his work is not appreciated and that the physician is only going to the team meetings out of contractual obligation. How do you support Mark and restore the spirit of interdisciplinary collaboration?