Discussion Question: Healthcare Policy and Economics Module 4
Discussion Question: Healthcare Policy and Economics Module 4
Module 4- Discussion Question: Healthcare Policy and Economics
Patient safety, quality health care, and positive clinical outcomes are the main concerns of the healthcare system and the key regulatory bodies such as the joint commission. Thus, National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) were developed to ensure healthcare organisations achieve these objectives. This discussion justifies the application of the NPSG in nursing practice and benefits and challenges experienced by healthcare organizations that implement the selected NPSG.
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The selected National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) for this discussion is “Improving the safety of medication administration.” Medication administration is associated with the high rate of medication administration errors reported in the healthcare system (Wondmieneh et al., 2020). These errors result in a high rate of avoidable patient harm in healthcare organizations in the U.S. and globally. Therefore, applying the selected NPSG in nursing practice will lower the high rate of medication administration errors, preventing patient harm.
The implementation of this NPSG in a healthcare organization is associated with benefits and challenges. The critical benefit attributed to improving the safety of medication administration involves reducing complications and high mortality rates attributed to medication administration errors. Additionally, the high cost incurred in treating conditions caused by medication administration errors will reduce dramatically following this NPSG. On the contrary, the implementation of this NPSG will be associated with the challenge of incurring a high cost to hire more nurse practitioners to lower the high workload of the current nurses, which is the primary cause of medication administration errors. According to Wondmieneh et al. (2020), Nurses play a substantial part in medication administration errors prevention. Thus, this clinical issue will be resolved by hiring more nurses. Another challenge associated with implementing this NPSG is the high cost of educating healthcare professionals, particularly the nurses, about medication administration errors and strategies for preventing them. The high rate of these errors is associated with the knowledge gap among healthcare workers. Therefore, increasing medical practitioners’ knowledge regarding these errors will lower the high medication administration errors in healthcare organizations.
Appropriate application of the NPSG’s elements of performance will lower adverse patient outcomes dramatically. Applying these elements as recommended will ensure that medication is administered appropriately to the patients to prevent medication administration errors, thereby reducing medication administration errors-related health complications and deaths increasing patient safety in healthcare organizations.
Overall, improving the safety of medication administration is one of the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs), which focuses on minimizing medication administration error-related complications to enhance patient safety. However, the implementation of this NPSG is compromised by the high cost of hiring more nurses and training healthcare workers about medication administration errors and how they can be prevented.
Wondmieneh, A., Alemu, W., Tadele, N., & Demis, A. (2020). Medication administration errors and contributing factors among nurses: a cross-sectional study in tertiary hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. BMC nursing, 19(1), 1-9.
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Healthcare Policy and Economics
Module4- Discussion Question
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Triple Aim Initiative serves to change health care delivery by (1) improving the patients’ experience of care; (2) improving the health of populations; and (3) reducing the per capita cost of health care (Nickitas, Middaugh, & Feeg, 2019). This week’s module explores how we can improve the patient care experience, increase the quality of care, reduce the cost of care thereby improving the health of the populations. In addition, we will examine the concept of implementing patient/person-centered care (PCC) in our current healthcare practice. The role of the Joint Commission and other regulatory agencies, and patient and healthcare worker safety will be a major focus. Quality measurements such as patient satisfaction surveys and error control mechanisms will be explored.
Learning Materials
• Nickitas, D. M., Middaugh, D. J., & Feeg, M. D. (2019). Policy and politics for nurses and other health professionals: Advocacy and action. (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Read Chapters 4 & 8.
Additional Resources
• Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (n.d.). Patient safety and quality improvement.
• The Joint Commission (2020). National patient safety goals (NPSG). https://www.jointcommission.org/standards/national-patient-safety-goals/
• National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators(n.d.). NDNQI nursing-sensitive indicators.
• National Institute of Health. (2006). Improving the quality of health care for mental and substance-use conditions: Quality chasm series. National Academies Press. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK19817/
• Institute for Health Improvement. (2020). IHI Triple Aim Initiative. http://www.ihi.org/Engage/Initiatives/TripleAim/Pages/default.aspx Review Overview items on the left column
Start by reading and following these instructions:
You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source with 400 word minimum written, and always use quality writing. The discussion board is never a place to use text language or emoticons.
Discussion Question:
The Joint Commission determines the highest priority patient safety issues and how best to address them, including as a National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG). Access the Joint Commission website for the most current NPSGs. Select one or more NPSGs and address the following: Explain the rationale for applying the NPSG in nursing practice. Discuss some of the benefits and/or challenges of implementing the NPSG in a health care organization? How does appropriate application of the elements of performance in the NPSG reduce negative patient outcomes?
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Nursing Undergrad Discussion Question Rubric v1
Course: Healthcare Policy and Economics – BK8 – 09-28-21 – Sect1
Criteria | Does Not Meet Expectations | Approaches Expectations | Meets Expectations | Exceeds Expectations | Criterion Score |
Content of |
0 points |
5.2 points |
6 points |
8 points |
/ 8 |
Thread/Post |
(0 pts.) | (5.2 pts.) | (6 pts.) | (8 pts.) | |
Weight: 40% | Response contains little to none of the required aspects of the prompt; Content is off topic; references are not included. APA
reference/citatio n format is not used. |
Major required aspects of the prompt are not addressed or the response speaks in vague generalities.
Information is too general; 1 reference is present, but it is non-scholarly (if required) and/or it does not appropriately reflect the topic. APA reference/citatio n format may be inaccurate in the response. |
Response addresses prompt requirements. Content is relevant and germane to the intent of the prompt; 1 or more references are scholarly (if required) and/or appropriately reflect topic, and have few APA formatting errors. | Content includes additional or novel points beyond the intent of the prompt.
References are sufficient, scholarly in nature, and are formatted correctly in APA format. |
Critical |
0 points |
1.3 points |
1.5 points |
2 points |
/ 2 |
Thinking of
Thread/Post |
(0 pts.) | (1.3 pts.) | (1.5 pts.) | (2 pts.) | |
Weight: 10% | Little analysis or insight is displayed; Little or no logical support or reasoning is present | Some illogical statements and poor reasoning displayed; argument is unclear or convoluted | Response indicates that thought, insight, and analysis has taken place; Argument is solid and logical | Response is rich in critical thinking, and full of thought, insight, and analysis; Argument is clear and concise |
Criteria | Does Not Meet Expectations | Approaches Expectations | Meets Expectations | Exceeds Expectations | Criterion Score |
Quality of |
0 points |
2.6 points |
3 points |
4 points |
/ 4 |
Communicatio |
(0 pts.) | (2.6 pts.) | (3 pts.) | (4 pts.) | |
n in Initial Thread/Post Weight: 20% | Style and voice inappropriate or do not address given audience, purpose, etc.
Word choice is excessively redundant, clichéd, and unspecific. Inconsistent grammar, spelling, punctuation, and paragraphing. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. |
Style and voice are somewhat appropriate to given audience and purpose.
Word choice is often unspecific, generic, redundant, and clichéd. Repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language, sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. |
Style and voice are appropriate to the given audience and purpose. Word choice is specific and purposeful, and somewhat varied throughout.
Minimal mechanical or typographical errors are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience- appropriate language are used. |
Style and voice are not only appropriate to the given audience and purpose, but also show originality and creativity.
Word choice is specific, purposeful, dynamic and varied. Free of mechanical and typographical errors. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. |
Criteria | Does Not Meet Expectations | Approaches Expectations | Meets Expectations | Exceeds Expectations | Criterion Score |
Discussion |
0 points |
3.9 points |
4.5 points |
6 points |
/ 6 |
Responses to
Classmates’ |
(0 pts.) | (3.9 pts.) | (4.5 pts.) | (6 pts.) | |
Threads/Posts Weight: 30% | Did not make an effort to participate in learning community as it develops; Displays lack of engagement with discussion forum; Did not make the minimum of 2 responses to classmates. | Occasionally makes meaningful reflection on group’s efforts; Marginal effort to become involved with group; Made one response to classmates | Frequently attempts to direct the discussion and present relevant viewpoints for consideration by group; Interacts freely; Met the minimum of 2 responses to classmates | Shows astute awareness of needs of community; Frequently attempts to motivate the group discussion; Presents creative approaches to topic; Made at least 2 responses to classmates |
Overall Score