Discussion: Community Hospital Case Study

Discussion: Community Hospital Case Study

Discussion: Community Hospital Case Study

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Discussion: Community Hospital Case Study

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Discussion: Community Hospital Case Study

A medical director must prepare a quality and safety dashboard to enable the key stakeholders to assess the quality and safety of patient care. Additionally, the dashboard allows board members to identify an area in the clinical practice that requires improvement. This discussion presents measures for inclusion in a dashboard, associated organizational, national, and regulatory variables contributing to the decision, and what is expected to be learned.

The case study indicates various measures to be included in the dashboard presented to the Community General Hospital (CGH) board members. These measures include the hospital’s bed capacity, recent quality improvement (QI) projects, high rate of surgical site infections, high rate of readmissions, long wait times in the Emergency Department, and availability of CGH Performance Improvement course. The decision to focus on the selected areas was impacted by organizational, national, and regulatory variables. First, corporate culture and values to meet the healthcare needs of the community members informed the decision to include hospital’s bed capacity and recent quality improvement (QI) projects in the dashboard. A medical facility should aim at meeting the health care needs of its patients (WHO, 2018). Additionally, regulatory authorities that require healthcare organizations to provide quality and safe patient care led to the inclusion of high rate of surgical site infections, high rate of readmissions, and long wait times in the Emergency Department in the dashboard. These measures enable the regulatory authorities to determine the quality of patient care based on the outcomes. Finally, national factors, particularly the federal government, influenced the decision to include the CGH Performance Improvement course since it emphasizes continuous training for medical practitioners. According to Song and Tucker (2016), performance improvement enables healthcare professionals to provide quality and safe patient care. I anticipate learning about various factors that determine the quality and safety of patient care from measurement and evaluation of the prioritized healthcare organization’s areas. For instance, I will learn that QI projects play a significant role in addressing quality and safety issues in a healthcare organization (Cantiello et al., 2016).

Overall, various measures enable the board to assess the performance of a healthcare organization. Thus, a director should carefully select measures to include in the director’s dashboard. The chosen measures based on the case study include the hospital’s bed capacity, recent quality improvement (QI) projects, high rate of surgical site infections, high rate of readmissions, long wait times in the Emergency Department, and availability of CGH Performance Improvement course.

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Cantiello, J., Kitsantas, P., Moncada, S., & Abdul, S. (2016). The evolution of quality improvement in healthcare: patient-centered care and health information technology applications. J Hosp Admin5(2), 62-8.

Song, H., & Tucker, A. (2016). Performance improvement in health care organizations. Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management9(3–4), 153-309.

World Health Organization (WHO) (2018). Delivering quality health services. WHO. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/272465/9789241513906-eng.pdf

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