Discussion 2: Advocating Through Policy Paper
Discussion 2: Advocating Through Policy Paper
Discussion 2: Advocating Through Policy
As noted by Dr. Stanley and Dr. White in this week’s media presentation, professional nurses should be engaging in advocacy efforts to improve health and nursing practice through involvement in the policy process at the institutional, local, state, or federal levels. This array of possibilities for involvement provides opportunities for all nurses, regardless of time, or other possible constraints. Successful policy making is a collaborative effort, and one that commands mutual respect from all involved. Your involvement in policy making can lead to expanded opportunities as both a nurse leader and as a respected member of an interprofessional health care team.
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Note: This Discussion provides a forum for discussing advocacy opportunities and honing your presentation skills in a small group setting.
[elementor-template id="165244"]To prepare:
Reflect on the insights offered by Dr. Stanley and Dr. White on engaging in advocacy through the policy process.
Identify a practice issue that is of interest to you and that could benefit from advocacy efforts through the policy process.
Consider the stakeholders and any special interest or professional organizations that would support your issue.
Develop a short, yet persuasive PowerPoint (up to 3 slides) as follows:
Identify the practice issue that would benefit from being addressed through the policy process
Represent the key stakeholders (i.e. use graphical images when possible)
Propose one strategy for how a nurse could advocate for this issue
The PowerPoint should be succinct, visually appealing, and effective.