Assignment: Trainer and Trainee Manual on general safety guidelines for operating and pre shifting a large rock truck.

Assignment: Trainer and Trainee Manual on general safety guidelines for operating and pre shifting a large rock truck.

Assignment: Trainer and Trainee Manual on general safety guidelines for operating and pre shifting a large rock truck.

Training Manual For Operating and Pre-Shifting  Large Rock Truck General Guidelines

The Training Manual

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The training manual provides comprehensive trainer and trainee requirements for the general guidelines for operating and pre-shifting a large rock truck training success. The training manual will have three phases;

  1. Phase one: Before the training guidelines.
  2. Phase two: During the training
  3. Phase Three: After training evaluation

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Table of Contents

  1. Target Audience. 3
  2. Participants Learning Needs Evaluation 3
  3. Workshop Agenda and Learning Objectives 4

3.1 Workshop Agenda. 4

3.2 Learning Objectives. 4

  1. Overall Training Learning Activities. 4
  2. Workshop Preparation. 4
  3. Training Package for the Learning Activity 5
  4. Important Trainer’s Checklist 5

Phase Two:  During Workshop. 6

Session 1. 6

Opening Remarks and Learning Objectives  6

Training Materials. 6

Timing- 45 min. 6

Session 2. 6

General Guideline Introduction. 6

Learning Objectives. 6

Training materials. 6

Guide. 7

Timing- 1 Hour 7

Session 3. 7

General Guidelines Structure. 7

Learning Objectives. 7

Training Material 7

Timing- 10 Minutes. 7

Session 4. 7

Training Facilitation Domain. 7

Learning Objectives. 7

Training Materials. 7

Timing – 1 hour 30 minutes. 8

Methodology. 8

Session 5. 8

The General Guidelines Facilitation Instruments  8

Learning Objectives. 8

Training Materials. 8

Timing – I hour 8

Methodology. 9

Session 6. 9

Workshop Closure and Final Remarks. 9

Learning Objectives. 9

Relevant Guide Section. 9

Training Material 9

Timing – I hour 30 minutes. 9

Methodology. 10

Phase 3: After the Workshop. 10

After-Action Review.. 10

References. 11

Appendices. 11

Pre-Training Survey. 11

Phase 1: Before Workshop

Before the workshop, the facilitator will incorporate the following questions:

  • Who is the target trainee?
  • How will these target trainee needs be addressed?
  • What assessment will be necessary to address the workshop agenda and learning objectives?

1.    Target Audience

The workshop participants will involve large rock truck operators and their managers from both the private and public sectors. It will be useful in reflecting and guiding the participants on operating and pre-shifting a large rock truck. Hence, the participant selection will rely on their authority, resources, expertise, information, and need. Hence in making the right decisions concerning the participants, they must submit their credentials, the company they work for, and their needs, preferences, and workshop expectations. During selection, it will be necessary to consider diversity. Hence, the table below shows how the selection will take.

2.    Participants’ Learning Needs Evaluation

After identifying the participants, it will be necessary first to identify their prior knowledge about large rock truck operations. Also, it will be necessary to acknowledge their specific needs and the challenges they face during operation. Hence, the training will need to conduct a simple survey. Hence, the participants must fill in the questionnaire three weeks before the training. The information gained from these questionnaires will aid the training preparation as indicated in Appendix A.

3. Workshop Agenda and Learning Objectives

3.1 Workshop Agenda

The workshop agenda will be to;

  • explain to participants on pre-shifting and operating general guidelines
  • explain the relevance and guide of the guidelines.

3.2 Learning Objectives

The main learning objectives will include;

  • Introducing the participants with knowledge of the large rock truck pre-shifting and operating guidelines.
  • Identify the existing instruments that can use the guideline
  • Evaluate organizations that provide related education.

4.    Overall Training Learning Activities

The training will be effective for the participants since they will gain more knowledge concerning the most effective guidelines concerning large rock truck pre-shifting and operation.

5.    Workshop Preparation

Session 1(Specific

  • Opening Remarks
  • Providing the training objectives
  • Exploring the trainees’ expectations and needs.

Session 2

  • Introduction to Training Facilitation

Session 3

  • Domains (theories)

Session 4

  • Training facilitation organization and Instruments (document simplified)

Session 5

  • Evaluating the relevance of the large rock truck general pre-shifting and operation guideline.

Session 6

  • Evaluation and Closure

6.    Training Package for the Learning Activity

The learning activities in the training package will include the following information


Learning Session Title Session description
Learning session objective What the participants need to do after session completion
Linking the large rock truck general guidelines content section Where the participants can find the general guidelines.
Learning materials Which particular materials are needed for each session?
Timing What time each session needs to take


7.    Important Trainer’s Checklist

There are various things that trainers needs to ensure that they are intact before they can engage the participants in a training. Some of the checklist include;

§  Large rock truck general guidelines on pre-shifting and operating power point presentation

§  Screen and projector

§  Paper supplies

§  Effective speakers, printers, and computers

§  Facilitators props

§  Stationery

§  Workshop agenda brochure

§  Name tags

§  Questionnaire evaluation


Phase Two:




Session 1

Opening Remarks and Learning Objectives

  • Welcoming the participants.
  • Introducing the training objectives and methodology
  • Explaining the large rock truck general guidelines

Training Materials

  • Presentation
  • Flipchart paper
  • Agenda hand-out
  • Markers and pencils
  • Green and yellow post-its

Timing- 45 min

  • Opening and Welcoming remarks – 20 minutes
  • Ice Breaking – 20 minutes

Session 2

General Guideline Introduction

Learning Objectives

  • Gain a shared understanding of the training objectives.
  • Apply a generic approach toward large rock truck pre-shifting and operation

Training materials

  • Presentation
  • Computers


  • Markers
  • Flip charts
  • large post-it notes
  • pen and paper

Timing- 1 Hour

  • Brainstorming about the large rock truck general guidelines- 30 minutes
  • Presentation Introduction- 15 minutes
  • Discussion – 15 minutes

A link to a guiding Source

How to Select the Construction Plant?

Session 3

General Guidelines Structure

Learning Objectives

  • Explaining the large rock truck general guidelines

Training Material

Timing- 10 Minutes

  • The trainers will use the given time to present and show different general guidelines for large rock truck pre-shifting and operation. However, the trainees and other facilitators will have a chance to ask questions.

Session 4

Training Facilitation Domain

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will explore the presented guide.
  • Provide an overview of the general guideline domains.

Training Materials

  • Colored post-it cards
  • Presentations
  • Flipcharts
  • Markers and Pencils
  • Appropriate case stories

Timing – 1 hour 30 minutes

  • Session Introduction – 20 minutes
  • Group work to discuss the Domain – 30 minutes
  • Group presentation – 40 minutes


The trainer will start by presenting the general guidelines to the participants and later introduce a group exercise. These groups will have approximately 5 participants; where every group will deal with a single general guideline domain with 30 minutes for review and answering the following questions

  • What are the domain constituents?
  • What challenges exist?

A link to a guiding Source

Session 5

The General Guidelines Facilitation Instruments

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be introduced to the guideline facilitation instruments.
  • Analyze different facilitation instruments.
  • Explore different rock truck models and their relevance in the industry

Training Materials

  • Presentations
  • Computers
  • Pencil and markers
  • Four different large colored post-its
  • Different logos of truck model

Timing – I hour

  • Facilitation instruments analysis – 30 minutes
  • Different truck models analysis – 30 minutes


The two analysis models will involve 4 to 5 participants who will discuss the instruments they will find in their guide. For effective timing, the groups will remain the same. Hence;

  • Group one will address the guide instruments conventions.
  • Group two will address standards and recommendations.
  • Group three will evaluate cases, compilations, and best practices.
  • Group four will address guides and guidelines.

For the viability of the group responses, the trainer will need to assign the groups the following guiding questions;

  • What Instruments are in the category?
  • What is their structure?
  • Are they important?

There will be a need for the trainer to ask the group to have an individual take their notes and keep time. Every group spokesperson will only have five minutes to explain to other groups concerning their findings.

Session 6

Workshop Closure and Final Remarks

Learning Objectives

  • Assess training participants’ satisfaction.
  • Review what they have learned.
  • Assess the kind of knowledge gained

Relevant Guide Section

  • The entire large rock truck pre-shifting and operating general guidelines.

Training Material

  • 3 markers and flipcharts
  • Rewards for the winning group
  • Evaluating the questionnaire

Timing – I hour 30 minutes

  • Evaluating the learned training lessons – 60 minutes
  • Training Evaluation – 15 minutes
  • Closing Remarks – 15 minutes


The participants will divide themselves into three random groups when evaluating the learned training lessons. Through the groups, they will need to write the other groups challenging questions where these questions have to be well stated on the flip charts. During the exercise, the other groups will answer these questions while the suggesting team validates or rejects the responses. There will also be a competition between the sub-group, with the winning group receiving an award. The criterion to determine the winner is the sub-group that will have most of their questions unanswered.

During the evaluation, the participant will need to answer the questionnaires for 20 minutes, and the exercise will be individual-based. However, the closure session will involve the trainer ending the training by providing closure remarks. However, it will be important at that juncture to ask each participant to write down one unforgettable lesson learned from the training.

Link to a guiding source

Phase 3: After the Workshop

After-Action Review

The after-action review is relevant since it will provide the facilitators with an understanding of the effectiveness of the training. Hence, the questions to be addressed include:

  • What was the training’s intended purpose?
  • What were the anticipated results?
  • What results did the training attain?
  • What can be improved for future training?

The participants will need to complete these questions in small groups. Hence, they will first review the training learning objective. Consequently, they will need to discuss what they gained from the entire training and assess the weakness and strengths of the training. Later, the groups will evaluate their findings and write a comprehensive report that will be preserved for future training.



Ground Conditions for Construction Plant Construction Plant Association

Guidance on Ground Conditions for construction plant.

LexisNexis (2019). Ground conditions in construction projects.

Traffic Management in Quarries QNJAC Guidance


Appendix A

Pre-Training Survey


Dear participant, the questionnaire form is a pre-training survey that links to the general guidelines for operating and pre-shifting a large rock truck. The information obtained will help make the training better and meet your needs and expectations. (Please tick where necessary)

Respondent Details

  1. Sex
  • Male
  • Female
  1. Age
  • Below 30
  • 30 – 40
  • 41 -50
  • 51- 60
  • Above 61
  1. The company you work in


  1. Type of the Company
  • Private Enterprise
  • Governmental Enterprise
  • Other (please specify)
  1. Current Job Position
  • Job Title________
  • The main field of work____________
  • Main responsibilities_________
  1. Work Experience with a large rock truck
  • Over five years
  • 3-5 years
  • Over two years
  • Below two years
  1. How will you contribute to the training?


ORDER A CUSTOMIZED, PLAGIARISM-FREE Assignment: Trainer and Trainee Manual on general safety guidelines for operating and pre shifting a large rock truck. HERE 

Develop a trainer manual and trainee manual on the general guidelines for operating and pre-shifting a large rock truck.
Develop the assessment instrument(s) for your training session.
Package the trainer manual, trainee manual, and assessment instrument into one document for submission.
I have a template file I will need to send as a message to the writer.
The manuals are not APA documents. They are the workbooks to accompany a training session, for use by the trainees and the trainer;
The trainee manual needs to be creative with varying fonts, colors, illustrations, the use of white space, etc.;
The trainee manual is different from the trainer manual, serving two different purposes;
The trainee manual contains the material that will be covered during the training session and is a workbook for the student to use to follow along, take notes, and complete exercises;
The trainer manual is a “roadmap” with instructions to guide the trainer through the session, dealing with set-up, pacing, material introductions, possible comments/questions, PowerPoints, handouts, etc.;
The assessment instrument for your training session will evaluate three aspects of the session – the facilities, the material, and the trainer;
This can be either a separate document or included as the last page of the trainee manual;
bundle all the materials as one document.

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