Assignment: The three types of qualitative research are phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research.
Assignment: The three types of qualitative research are phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research.
The three types of qualitative research are phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research. Compare the differences and similarities between two of the three types of qualitative studies and give an example of each.
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Qualitative Research Types
[elementor-template id="165244"]Qualitative research is a scientific data collection method, which involves observation. The method is not based on numerical data but instead focuses on human nature and social sciences. This data collection methodology involves three types, including phenomenological, ethnographic research, and grounded theory. This paper captures similarities and differences between grounded theory and phenomenology.
In similarities, grounded theory and phenomenology take an interpretive approach. The researcher uses the two types to explore real-life situations, which require interacting with individuals, situations, or groups being examined. Data collection usually involves observations or interviews (Tie et al., 2019). For instance, researchers can observe patterns or trends of a particular phenomenon being studied. Secondly, phenomenologists, grounded theorists, and phenomenologists gather and analyze data from participants’ perspectives and avoid preconceived ideas that might influence their findings. They engage participants in data analysis to ensure trustworthiness of the study findings. Therefore, both phenomenologists and grounded theorists aim at exploring individuals’ experiences based on the world in which they live. For instance,
On the differences, phenomenology originated from philosophy and emerged from the work of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. It focuses on describing and examining experiences by gathering data from individuals and groups involved (Todres & Holloway, 2010). For example, it gathers data from individuals infected with a particular disease. On the contrary, the grounded theory originated from sociology (Holloway & Todres, 2010). It is associated with the qualitative methodology of Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss that aimed at generating a “grounded theory” to discuss the phenomenon being studied.
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Holloway, I & Todres, L. (2010). Grounded theory. In: Gerrish K, Lacey A (eds) The Research Process in Nursing Oxford: Blackwell.
Tie, Y, C., Birks, M., & Francis, K. (2019). Grounded theory research: A design framework for novice researchers. SAGE Open Med; 7: 2050312118822927. Doi: 10.1177/2050312118822927.
Todres, L & Holloway, I. (2010). Phenomenological research. In: Gerrish K, Lacey A (eds) The Research Process in Nursing. Oxford, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
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