Assignment: Self Assessment and Reflection
Assignment: Self Assessment and Reflection
How will the following concepts be applied by a future APRN (advanced practice registered nurse)?
APRNs perform an advanced role in the healthcare system, requiring them to apply knowledge from nursing and related disciplines. First, APRNs will apply health care economics in their advanced nursing practice. They will provide high-quality and cost-effective care to their patients. According to Papanicolas et al. (2018), the US spends double the amount on individuals’ healthcare services than other developed countries. This trend is associated with preventable patient visits, unnecessary tests, and longer stays due to poor-quality care. Thus, APRNs will reduce high healthcare expenditures in the United States by providing high-quality and cost-effective care to patients. Secondly, APRNs will apply knowledge regarding policy in advanced nursing roles. APRNs advocate for patients’ healthcare needs through policies (Williams et al., 2018). Therefore, APRNs will support policies needed to bridge gaps in their respective healthcare organizations, improving the quality of patient care and health outcomes. Lastly, APRNs will apply information management systems in their advanced nursing role. They will utilize patients’ health-related data documented in electronic health records in making a significant decision during care delivery, resulting in high-quality patient care and superior health outcomes.
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Papanicolas, I., Woskie, L. R., & Jha, A. K. (2018). Health care spending in the United States and other high-income countries. Jama, 319(10), 1024-1039. Doi:10.1001/jama.2018.1150.
Williams, S, D., Phillips, J, M., & Koyama, K. (2018). Nurse Advocacy: Adopting a Health in All Policies Approach. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing; 23 (3): 1. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No03Man01.
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Self-Assessment and reflection
This assignment involves three steps. You have to follow the order defined in this assignment complete it correctly.
Part One: Self-assessment: (4 %)
Go to the following link:
Click on Demonstration tab, then click on Go to the demonstration Tests
Read and agree to the disclaimer, click on I wish to proceed
Choose one of the IAT tests; Follow the steps of the IAT you picked and take the assessment. You are required to pick a test that assesses a diversity dimension that is different from your own. For example, if you are of Asian heritage, do NOT take the Asian IAT.
Read and follow the instructions on each of the pages that come up.
The assessment takes about 10 minutes at maximum.
When you are done, print your result (2 copies) and keep it for reference for the second part of this assignment.
Turn one of the copies (WRITE YOUR NAME ON IT) on the due date.
Part Two: Discussion: (5 %)
Spend 15-30 minutes discussing your results with a partner in the class room or outside who represent the group you did your IAT on. This step will potentially get you and your discussion partner uncomfortable, but remember the ground rule in this class, civility. The goal of the discussion is to learn about the perspective of the “other” and teach them about yours. This is an opportunity to learn as well as to share your views and to understand the bigger context of how we become who we are, and how we formulate our views. You must provide the contact information of the person discussed your findings with in order to get the assigned 5 points.
Part Three: Reflection (6 %)
Write a reflection paper on the self-assessment and the discussion you took in the first and second steps. The paper should NOT exceed 2 pages excluding references (if you have to use any). Areas you may highlight include, but are not limited to:
The level of self- awareness you developed on the specific population addressed in this assessment. (2)Reflect on whether you believe that prejudice is an entirely conscious process? (3) Reflect on the role of informal and formal interaction and media (all forms of media, read, written, heard, and watched) in developing a collective image of a certain subculture/group. (4) What interested you most about the interaction you had with the person you discussed your findings/results with. Turn in a copy of the results of your IAT assessment
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