Assignment: Ethics and the DNP Prepared Nurse
Assignment: Ethics and the DNP Prepared Nurse
Ethics and the DNP Prepared Nurse
Ethics is no doubt the cornerstone of the nursing profession. Capella (2022) insisted that the DNP prepared nurse must be equipped with relevant skills, competencies and capabilities for identifying and addressing ethical concerns and moral questions that emerge in the patient-provider interactions and the general clinical practice. Menonna-Quinn and Genova (2019) noted that many of these ethical issues revolve around the need for providing safe, holistic, patient-centered and evidence-based care to the various patient populations. Some of the identified ethical issues including lack of collaboration, ineffective communication and lack of requisite experience to adapt to change might contribute to the emergence of various ethical dilemmas and conflicts that could undermine the quality and safety of patient care. Similarly, Hoskins et al. (2018) asserted that compliance with the established nurses code of ethics is an important step aimed at ensuring the fundamental ethical principles of informed consent, beneficence, non-maleficence, social justice, accountability and transparency, due diligence, integrity, advocacy and responsibility are exercised in the assessment and tackling of ethical issues in nursing. Capella (2022) pointed out that the provision of ethics education to DNP nurse is a fundamental step aimed at enabling them to successful navigates the complex relationships with patients, physicians, communities and families and other key stakeholders, within and outside the healthcare setting. Moreover, the emergence of ethical conflicts and tensions in the nursing practice calls for DNP nurse to become fully prepared for the ethical morass of the contemporary clinical practice. Equally, the centrality of ethics education for DNP-prepared nurse is based on the greater need to enhance the capacity of these frontline healthcare workers to engage in complex decision-making and to invest their energy on delivering ethical leadership in their assigned duties and roles (Labardee et al., 2020). Therefore, the centrality of ethics in clinical practice is informed by the fact that many healthcare professionals share similar ethical issues, ethical concerns and morally-distressing events, and hence the greater importance of ethics education.
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Capella, E. (2022). Legal, ethical, and policy issues. Financial and Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice.
Hoskins, K., Grady, C., & Ulrich, C. (2018). Ethics education in nursing: Instruction for future generations of nurses. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(1).
Labardee, R., Buck, J., Coffey, R., Dhakal, K., Francis, D., Seeling, D., & Chipps, E. (2020). Describing the challenges faced by newly prepared DNP graduates in the acute care setting. Nurse Leader, 18(5), 451-454.
Menonna-Quinn, D., & Genova, T. (2019).The DNP-prepared nurse as an executive. Fast Facts for DNP Role Development.
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Today, nurses often encounter various ethical challenges when caring for multiple patients. Sometimes, such challenges can originate from a patient’s refusal of medications or treatment and discomfort due to an individual or cultural beliefs. Also, they can come from within the workplace. Therefore, this paper highlights significant ethical problems among DNP-prepared nurses and explains how they may compare to problems I have faced in my practice.
One of the issues is the lack of collaboration. Due to the fast-changing doctoral education environment, collaborative associations among the doctor of philosophy-prepared nurses and the doctor of nursing practice continue evolving. Teamwork enables a well-timed transformation of an investigation into the practice, thus promoting educational chances, driving positive change, and improving general healthcare outcomes. For instance, DNP and Ph.D. faculty should cooperate in accrediting ethics education among DNP courses to support DNP necessities and NP central proficiencies (Vermeesch et al., 2018).
Another issue among DNP-prepared nurses is ineffective communication. One should be a great communicator to become a prominent nurse. Effective communication improves healthcare outcomes and patient gratification. In nursing educational institutions, learners learn the need for solid communication skills to appropriately convey information to clients and coordinate with other healthcare professionals. Throughout clinical situations, families and patients tend to be nervous, shocked, and stressed. They can be in discomfort or on medication that can pose challenges in understanding what is happening and what the caregiver is saying. Translating medicalese for everybody to understand proves practical communication skills. Thus, encouraging healthcare teams to communicate routinely regarding healthcare goals reduces communication barriers and ensures patients receive the necessary support (Pavlish et al., 2020).
The last challenge is the lack of experience necessary to adapt to change. Generally, changes can be complex since they challenge the fundamental necessity for a stable setting. Organizational changes tend to be related to workers’ psychological insecurity regarding how the changes will impact their role, life, and work condition. Change-associated adverse effects include reduced productivity, mental health issues, work-associated stress, and decreased organizational commitment. Learners lack the experience needed to be comfortable with change. However, they come into nursing with a commitment perception that can get fostered toward leadership for equity and social change through effective procedures. These include community service, mentoring associations, involvement in off-campus groups, and sociocultural discussions (Read, Pino Betancourt & Morrison, 2016).
Among the issues discussed above, lack of collaboration compares to the problem I have faced in my practice. For instance, I preferred tackling all my tasks alone and consulted learning materials in case of any challenge. I did not understand the value of collaboration with my colleagues. During my shift one day, I encountered an ethical dilemma with my patient, and making the appropriate decision regarding the patient’s situation was challenging. Upon consulting my colleagues and inquiring how they handled similar cases, it became easy for me to solve my problem. Thus, collaboration enhances effective problem-solving, competent processes, and improved success, thus improving the general patient care outcomes.
Pavlish, C. L., Henriksen, J., Brown-Saltzman, K., Robinson, E. M., Warda, U. S., Farra, C., … & Jakel, P. (2020). A team-based early action protocol addresses ethical concerns in the intensive care unit. American Journal of Critical Care, 29(1), 49-61.
Read, C. Y., Pino Betancourt, D. M., & Morrison, C. (2016). Social change: A framework for inclusive leadership development in nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(3), 164-167.
Vermeesch, A., Cox, P. H., Baca, S., & Simmons, D. (2018). Strategies for strengthening ethics education in a DNP program. Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(5), 309-311.
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