NSG 4410 Week 1 Drop box Assignment: Personal Growth in Cultural Awareness Part A: Transcultural Critical Needs List
NSG 4410 Week 1 Drop box Assignment: Personal Growth in Cultural Awareness Part A: Transcultural Critical Needs List
Points 100
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Available after Mar 4 at 12am
[elementor-template id="165244"]Assignment Instructions:
After completing the assigned readings and viewing the content presentations in Unit 1, please construct your transcultural critical needs list using the template Download templateOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader provided.
Be honest with yourself as you construct this list. You will not be graded on how aware you are of transcultural nursing concepts but rather, how well you identify your critical areas of growth.
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In column A you will see the transcultural nursing concepts presented in this week’s content. In column B you will identify your understanding of the concept in column A as proficient, satisfactory, or needs improvement. In column C you will describe what action or actions you will take to improve both your understanding and your acceptance of these concepts. These activities can be both academic and personal oriented.
As you reflect on the conceptual definitions in column A, please remember that we are not looking for you to just be aware of the definition but more importantly, display the characteristics of someone who embodies the definition. For example, just knowing the definition of cultural awareness does not mean you are culturally aware. Other examples can be found in the Unit 1 interactive presentation!
Additional Assignment Instructions:
Below is a summary of the three (3) components to include within the assignment.
Utilize the TransculturalCritical Needs List template to complete the assignment.
Rate your personal understanding (proficient, satisfactory, or needs improvement) for the ten transcultural concepts.
Provide an action plan for each element in which you describe the specific action or actions that you will take to improve both your understanding and your acceptance of the transcultural concepts. For example, explain how and what steps you will take to improve your personal understanding.
Part A: Transcultural Critical Needs List 01.2021
Part A: Transcultural Critical Needs List 01.2021
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRating of Personal Understanding
45 pts
Rating of the 10 components provided.
38 pts
Rating of 8-9 components provided.
34 pts
Rating of 6-8 components provided.
0 pts
Rating of less than 6 components provided. OR No assignment submitted.
45 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of Action Plan
45 pts
Detailed description of action to improve the student’s understanding and acceptance of all transcultural concepts provided.
38 pts
Effective description of action to improve the student’s understanding and acceptance of 8-9 transcultural concepts.
34 pts
Developing description of action to improve the student’s understanding and acceptance of 6-8 transcultural concepts.
0 pts
Description of action to improve the student’s understanding provided for less than 6 transcultural concepts. OR No assignment submitted.
45 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics, and Organization
10 pts
Excellent grammar, mechanics, and organization with no errors in the following: spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation; logical sequence of content; and use of complete sentences (in the action plan). The assignment is completed utilizing the provided template.
8 pts
Effective grammar, mechanics, and organization with 2-3 errors in the following: spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation; logical sequence of content; and use of complete sentences (in the action plan). The assignment is completed utilizing the provided template.
6 pts
Developing grammar, mechanics, and organization with more than 3 errors in the following: spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation; logical sequence of content; and use of complete sentences (in the action plan). OR Presentation is not submitted utilizing the provided template.
0 pts
Very poor grammar, mechanics, and organization is present where paper is difficult to understand. OR No Assignment submitted.
10 pts
Total Points: 100
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